Plenty of the commonly known as marijuana doctors affirm that cannabis can aid in minimizing nerve pain. And many people offer insightful testimonies on how this helped them in managing the pain. Still, the need for further research on the connection between cannabis and neuropathy makes many patients skeptical concerning the beneficial effects. Let’s see up next what is neuropathy and how medical marijuana can aid in minimizing nerve pain.
What is neuropathy?
So, to understand the effects of medical marijuana on nerve pain, you should start by discovering what neuropathy is. It refers to the peripheral nerves, which are responsible for distinct functions. Some sensory nerves manage the sensation from temperature, pain, and touch. Other control muscle movement or essential bodily functions.
When those nerves get damaged or injured, they are prone to sending incorrect signals to the pain centers in our brains. As such, peripheral neuropathy can affect one, two, or several nerves. And this leads to chronic nerve pain, which is hard to manage for many patients.
How medical marijuana can aid in minimizing nerve pain
Recently, scientists invested a lot of attention on the connection between cannabis and pain relief. Initial research suggests that patients that do not respond to any nerve pain treatment have a favorable reaction when medical marijuana is used. The common belief is that the peripheral nerves that identify pain sensations have cannabinoid receptors. And, as a result, they react at any form of cannabis consumption. Specialists believe that because THC and CBD can activate the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our body, medical marijuana can regulate the neurotransmitters and central nervous system. As a result, patients suffering from neuropathy experience less pain and can manage their discomfort better.
Back in 2010, research was done on a group of people suffering from severe pain. The results showed that inhaling three times per day 25 mg of 9% tetrahydrocannabinol from a cannabis product can decrease pain, better sleep, and offer an overall state of wellbeing. Furthermore, another study from 2015 discovered that cannabinoids are efficient in reducing pain levels linked with cancer, neuropathy, and several other chronic pain problems. Indeed, there is a need for in-depth research on the link between medical marijuana and neuropathy. But these initial findings are more than promising.
Which cannabis strains can help with nerve pain?
Of course, not all strains can have similar effects. This means that if you aim to decrease your discomfort and nerve pain, you should consume strains that have a powerful, direct impact on nerve receptors. Some of the most beneficial cannabis strains for nerve pain relief include the white widow, the afghan kush, and the jack flash.
The bottom line is that medical marijuana might help to minimize nerve pain. Still, it all depends on how an individual’s body processes pain and how it reacts to cannabinoids. Overall, it is a safer option for dealing with neuropathy, and the initial research done on this topic is more than promising. Treating neuropathic pain can be more manageable with the help of medical marijuana. – All Natural MD