Florida legalized medical marijuana under amendment 2 in October of 2016. Amendment 2 is a constitutional amendment that created Florida’s medical marijuana program. It was approved by 71% of Florida voters on November 8, 2016. Amendment 2 added a new section to Florida’s state Constitution, entitled “Medical marijuana production, possession and use.” Amendment 2 protects qualifying patients,…
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On October 5, 2022, the Florida Department of Health issued Emergency Order 22-005, which, in part, temporarily suspends the in-person physical examination requirement set forth under section 381.986(4)(a)1., Florida Statutes (F.S.), for recertification examinations of existing qualified patients. Under Emergency Order 22-005, qualified physicians may use telehealth, as defined by section 456.47(1)(a), F.S., for recertification examinations of existing qualified patients in…
Can Medical Marijuana Help Treat Women In Menopause Menopause is the time in your life when your periods stop due to a reduction or loss of ovarian reproductive function. Testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen are hormones in a woman’s ovaries. When your body approaches menopause, it produces less estrogen. As a result, your body behaves…
How Can Marijuana Improve The Quality of Life Many countries, including the United States and Canada, have legalized the use of medical cannabis or marijuana to improve people’s quality of life. 75% of people in the United States have access to medical marijuana. About 35% of Americans use marijuana for recreational purposes. Although the…
Do you qualify for a Florida medical marijuana doctors recommendation? Before you can access marijuana from a dispensary, you must first visit a licensed physician who is certified to prescribe medical marijuana after having completed the mandatory education requirements laid out by the state of Florida. The All Natural MD marijuana doctors will then determine if you fall within…
The medical world is evolving every day. It highlights new links between medical marijuana and Tourette’s Syndrome. Thus, the article is about the doctors’ suggestions and modern-day research. What Is Tourette’s Syndrome? Tourette’s Syndrome comes under the umbrella of neurological disorders. The most common and prominent symptoms are involuntary tics. Tics are uncontrollable…
Medical Marijuana in Orlando, FL Since 2016, medical marijuana in Orlando has been readily available for patients with a medical marijuana card to pick up from a dispensary. There are numerous causes for a person wanting medical marijuana in Orlando, FL, spanning from chronic pain and anxiety to Crohn’s disease. Whatever reason you may…
It doesn’t matter if it is a prescription drug or a recreational drug, all drugs have compounds that interact with other compounds, adverse interactions with cannabis appear rare. As example of drugs interaction there is caffeine, which most people take on a daily basis. Caffeine has over eighty known interactions with other substances. It is difficult to…
Motor Vehicle Accident Marijuana Cards Orlando FL A new study finds an increase in accident insurance claims in three states that have approved the sale of marijuana for recreational use. According the Highway Safety Institute, the number of vehicle collisions reported to insurance companies in in States that have legal marijuana is 3 percent higher than what would have…
Marijuana is a completely different medication in many ways compared to typical pharmaceuticals. One of the big differences is that effective medical marijuana dosage can vary widely from person to person. Factors include a method of administration and ratios of THC & CBD, personal tolerance, and many others. We’ll break down what to expect when…