How To Request A Medical Marijuana Dosage Exception In Florida
Under the new rules and according to Section 381.986(4)(f)1., Florida Statutes, permits a qualified physician to request an exception to the daily dose amount limit of marijuana, the 35-day supply limit of marijuana in a form for smoking, and the 4-ounce possession limit of marijuana in a form for smoking. The limitations on daily dose amounts and equivalent dose amounts for each allowable route of administration are set forth in Emergency Rule 64ER22-8. A qualified Florida medical marijuana physician may request an exception by electronically submitting the information required by this form through the Medical Marijuana Use Registry.
What Do The New Rules That Permit A Doctor To Request A Dosage Exception Mean To Me?
Although most patients won’t be impacted by this change, for some patients this rule change can be extremely beneficial. Florida medical marijuana patients who suffer from debilitating conditions such as chronic pain or patients using medical marijuana in conjunction with cancer treatments may now request an exception to be filled by their doctor to exceed mandated limits.
Additionally, patients with a tolerance to medical marijuana or who use THC instead of other pharmaceutical drugs may also be able to exceed the mandated limits thanks to this new rule change to the Florida Statute.
How Much More Medical Marijuana Am I Allowed To Request?
The amount of medical marijuana that you can exceed the limit via requesting an exception is determined on a case-by-case basis by your medical marijuana doctor. The Office Of Medical Marijuana Use allows your doctor to request an exemption form which will be reviewed by the Office Of Medical Marijuana Use and ruled on within 14 days of your doctor submitting the exception request.
THC beyond the dosage limits and the amount of whole flower allowable per 35-day period are by the request of your doctor. Although there are no determining factors that currently determine approval of dosage exception vs. a denial for the exception of medical marijuana dosage increase, it appears that most legitimate requests are probable to be approved.
How Do I Know If I Qualify For An Exception For An Increase In Medical Marijuana Dosage?
As with the exact amount of the increase of allowable limits of medical marijuana via the exception request, who qualifies for the exception request is also determined on a case-by-case basis by your certified physician.
Your certified physician may consider the following types of questions before considering you for an exception request:
- Would you benefit from a dosage of increased THC?
- Do the benefits of an increased dosage of medical marijuana outweigh the potential risks of increased amounts and higher dosages of THC/medical marijuana?
- Have you used the full allotments of medical marijuana dosages to date? If not, what benefit is there to increasing your dosage amount?
Once My Doctor Has Requested A Dosage Increase, How Will I Know If I Have Been Approved For An Exception?
14 days from when your medical marijuana doctor has submitted your request to the Office Of Medical Marijuana Use. Once the Office Of Medical Marijuana Use has made a decision regarding your physicians’ request, both your medical marijuana doctor and you will be notified via email whether you were approved or not.
Can I Possess More Than 4 Ounces Of Medical Marijuana At A Time If I’m Approved For A Dosage Increase?
If the state of Florida approves your medical marijuana doctor’s request for more flower, you will legally be able to possess 1.6 times the amount of smokeable medical marijuana flower. For instance, if your doctor has approved you for 4 oz of marijuana per 35-day period, you will legally be able to possess a total of 6.4 oz of medical marijuana flower at a time.
How To Get Your Exception For An Increase In Medical Marijuana
If you’re a current medical marijuana card holder and interested in increasing your recommendation orders. All Natural MD can help, just give us a call 800-250-6737 or request an appointment on our website. All Natural MD has locations for medical marijuana treatment throughout Florida to better assist you.