How Do I Make Marijuana Butter For Edibles

December 28, 2020 All Natural

Edibles are a growing and very popular way to get the medicinal benefits of marijuana without smoking or vaping it.  They are also suitable for people that love a slow, intense, and long-lasting experience. MMJ butter is a great option for most as it makes infusing marijuana into food (and some drinks) easier. Such control is vital for medical marijuana patients, especially those experiencing diminished appetites or food aversions.


Consuming marijuana butter is also a great way to avoid the risks associated with the inhalation of marijuana. MMJ butter is also a more approachable and inconspicuous way to consume marijuana. Even more good news is that you don’t need to be a skilled chef to understand and use weed recipe. You just have to be patient, informed and organized.


Step 1 – Ingredients and Tools

The potency of this recipe depends on the concentration of the particular strain of marijuana your to use. This makes it hard to get exact potency ratios but even a weaker strain will do the trick. If you need a stronger dose, you can research various leaf strains to ensure you get something stronger.  All the ingredients, tools, and equipment that you’ll use for this recipe are readily available at home.


You’ll need the following:

  • ½ ounce of weed
  • Scissors or a hand grinder
  • Sheet pan or glass baking dish
  • Oven
  • Butter, margarine or vegetable oil
  • One and a half cup of water
  • Wooden spoon
  • Saucepan
  • Knife or Spatula
  • Wooden spoon
  • Metal strainer or cheesecloth
  • Glass jar or vial
  • Thermometer (optional)
  • Funnel


Step 2 – Decarboxylate The Bud

First, you’ll need to activate the CBD, THC and, cannabinoids in your bud leaf stock. This process is also known as Decarboxylation. You do so by baking the marijuana in an oven until it’s dehydrated. This process ensures the perfect infusion of marijuana from the leaf into the lipids in the stabilizing oil (butter). You also have the option of using other plant-based oils and fats if butter is unavailable. Such oils include olive oil, margarine, and coconut oil. It’s a matter of taste and preference.


  • Preheat your oven to 220 degrees (Fahrenheit)
  • Break the buds up to a consistent texture
  • Spread it out evenly across the pan
  • Cook 20 to 45 minutes
  • Mix and Stir every 10 minutes

Step 3 – Combine Ingredients and Boil

Now, add some butter and water into the saucepan, ensure the heat is low as you don’t want to overheat or burn an part of the edible making process. Once the butter melts, add your Decarboxylated cannabis. Keep stirring the mix gently with a wooden spoon and cover it with a lid. Allow the mix to simmer gently for 4 hours. Check on it every half-hour so it doesn’t burn or cling onto the saucepan. If you have a thermometer handy, check to ensure the temperature stays between 120 and 180 degrees (Fahrenheit). Such a temperature range is ideal in preventing the mix from coming to a full boil.


Step 4 – Straining Process

Once the mixture is ready, it’s time to sieve out the cannabis. You can use a metal strainer to filter out the larger chunks. To eliminate fine sediments, fold a cheesecloth into the funnel. Secure the funnel on top of a glass jar or your storage container of choice. Once the butter cools off, pour it through the funnel. Allow this mix to strain freely until all the butter is sieved. This may take up to 12 hours, so ensure you set up in a place where the operation won’t be disrupted. Please avoid the temptation of rushing the process by forcing the butter through the cheesecloth. This will always result in an awful tasting butter.


Step 5 – Colling Process

Once the butter has been sieved, it’s ready for use or refrigeration. Remove the cheesecloth. Cover the butter and place it in the refrigerator so it can harden. After an hour in the fridge, the water content will be separated from the butter. Use a knife, spatula or whatever tool is on hand to scrape the water from the butter.  Place the butter in your desired container and discard the water. MMJ butter made using this method has a shelf life of up to 6 months. However, you need to keep it in the fridge to ensure it stays fresh. Whenever you want to use some let it sit in room temperate so it can soften a little.


Dosage Recommendations

Finding the right dose for your butter can be very difficult. Using too much often leads to disastrous effects; this simple trick will help you with such situations. This marijuana butter recipe contains 14 grams of marijuana. Theoretically, this translates to 14 grams of marijuana depending on the input quality stain. Therefore, you can divide the MMJ butter into 14 equal parts. This gives you 14 manageable 1-gram doses. If you’re a beginner, consider using half of such an amount or less. The rule of thumb is to start slow and gradually increase usage as you gauge the desired health benefits. Marijuana edibles also take some time to kick in so the on set of action is 1-2 hours before re administering.


If you need more information on making marijuana butter for edibles, please contact the All Natural MD Florida medical marijuana team of professionals for more details.


All Natural MD has many locations for medical marijuana doctor cards in Florida including Lakeland, Orlando, Sarasota and Bradenton just to name a few. Call (800) 250-6737.