June 3, 2019

Can Medical Marijuana Be Used To Treat Colon Cancer?

Can Medical Marijuana Be Used To Treat Colon Cancer? Cancer, the unnecessary growth of cells, is the most dangerous form of deadly disease people experience. It is the second leading cause of deaths in the U.S. Truthfully, nobody likes to talk about it. In the United States, if you ask people about the types of cancer, they will answer you: 1). Breast 2). Lungs 3). And Blood Cancer. Nobody will mention colon cancer. Well, as we said, no one really likes to talk about it. So, what is colon cancer?                 Colon cancer is a malignancy, which begins in the large intestine or colon. According to other sources, the large intestine is an important organ of our digestive system and it is a long tube-like structure that performs the function of recovery of electrolytes and water, storage of feces, as well as fermentation of indigestible food by bacteria. The function of the colon is to remove fluid and nutrients from the food. Then, it passes the remaining solid waste into the return to expel from the body. Colon Cancer develops from the interplay of complex factors. For instance, colon polyps are tiny growths formed on the inside lining of the rectum or colon. There are various treatment methods to treat colon cancer, such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, stem cell transplant, hormone therapy, and precision medicine. These are effective methods to treat colon cancer, but at the same time, there are a lot of adverse effects, which can lead to other disorders or diseases. So, what is the best alternative? The use of medical marijuana continues to make large headlines in the news. Marijuana Doctors in Florida believe that medical cannabis can stop or inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells. According to the research study of Penn State College of Medicine, synthetic cannabinoid compounds are effective in stopping the multiplication or metastasis of colon cancer cells says a few marijuana doctors in your local area. The researchers classified 10 compounds, which inhibited the development of all 7 types of colon cancer tested. Other research studies conducted recently have found that medical marijuana is helpful in treating vomiting and nausea from chemotherapy. Vaporized or smoked marijuana is likewise beneficial in the treatment of neuropathic pain. The good news for cancer patients is that medical marijuana for colon cancer help makes chemotherapy and radiation treatment more tolerable. A research study published in the Journal of Phytomedicine mentioned that marijuana extract with medium-high CBD content stopped cell proliferation of colon cancer and weakened colorectal carcinogenesis by activating CB1-CB2 receptors.   According to marijuana doctors in Florida, medical marijuana can help treat the signs and symptoms of colon cancer by reducing inflammation, stimulating appetite, providing pain relief, especially neuropathic pain, nausea & vomiting relief from chemotherapy, acting as an antioxidant, reducing anxiety and paranoia. In addition, the scientific society needs to perform further research about the medical benefits of marijuana and in what way it can be more beneficial for treating colon cancer. Scientists are very confident about the therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana for colon cancer treatment. If you’re interested in medical marijuana treatment, please contact our offices or visit our get started page today.
May 28, 2019

Can Medical Marijuana Be Used To Treat Arthritis

Can Medical Marijuana Be Used To Treat Arthritis?

Before we get into the details and longitudinally analyze the concept of treatment in Arthritis let’s understand the disease and chemistry of Marijuana.

Arthritis is a combination of two words, ‘Atheros’ which means joints and ‘itis’ is a suffix which in medical terminology is referred to as inflammation. Therefore, Arthritis is a condition of inflammation in one or more joints in a body.  This inflammation results in frequent pain in joints called arthralgia. Arthritis is a general term used by medical practitioners; however, it is further classified into different types according to immune response, change in osteological structure (bone/cartilage form), muscles spasms and many more. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis are few types giving a common symptom of “Pain”. Pain is excruciating to such an extent that no analgesic/pain reliever is able to help unless the cause is not treated. Moreover, this disease is regarded as a degenerative one with no medicine to cure except to alleviate the symptoms. Studies found that around 38% of the population in North America is suffering from one of the kinds of Arthritis.

Chemistry of Marijuana and its mechanism to relieve pain:

Due to the stiffness, muscle spasms, swelling, and pain in the joints, doctors treat the arthritis patients by giving corticosteroids, immunosuppressant, analgesics and certain gel and herbal oil in order to subside the pain felt by the patients.  As these medications never served a long term relief rather many side effects are observed, hence scientists, researchers kept working to find an alternative to the conventional therapies. Marijuana caught attention when a lakeland marijuana doctor and a few other Doctors in the US found that cannabinoids have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Cannabinoids are actually chemical agents which work by activating the endogenous cannabinoid system, a complex structure of cell receptors and molecules that help to relieve the pain.

The study suggests that cannabinoids are 20 folds more effective than analgesic at reducing pain and twice as powerful as hydrocortisone. The two types of cannabinoids which took attention named as Cannabidiol (CBD) and Caryophyllene which has potent anti-inflammatory properties and at the same time were found help in subsiding extensive pain says a lakeland marijuana doctor. The most promising factor which was noticed in these types was non-sedative action.

All Natural Medical Solutions

The mechanism of CBD and caryophyllene acts by activating the endogenous cannabinoid system’s CB2 receptors present in tissues of the whole body and involved in regulating inflammation. It has been observed in the study that by activating CB2 receptors in the body with cannabinoids can reduce inflammation and slow the progression of certain inflammatory diseases.

While discussing above we mentioned that gels and herbal oils are too helpful to reduce inflammation. Similarly, an effect of cannabidiol (CBD) in its oil and gel form was found while conducting research on rats that CBD oil could reduce inflammation by changing the way pain receptors respond to stimuli.

Recent research found that CBD interacts with digestive processes to reduce pain and inflammation; therefore it was most probable that the same interaction would be found to reduce inflammation in other systems of the body.  CBD is anti-inflammatory in a sense as it actually blocks the production of inflammatory molecules being produced in our immune system. The medical properties of marijuana are muscle relaxing, anti-inflammatory and promotion of homeostasis, so theoretically help immensely with arthritis patients.

The use of medical marijuana for in relieving the pain associated with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis has been proven to be quite effective and successful in both women and men. The types of arthritis like ankylosing spondylitis are often times painful as well as distressful where medical marijuana appears to alleviate and relieve the chronic pain related to arthritis.

There were several scientific tests carried out by involving medical scientists and renowned state doctors of Florida proving that medical marijuana is successful in fighting arthritis. Stiffness of joints, mobility, and range of motion has been proven to increase and pain has been reduced. When using medical marijuana, people with different kinds of arthritis were taking less non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications that have a number of side effects on digestive tracks and blood chemistry.

There is an ever-increasing hiatus between people who advocate about the use of medical marijuana as a therapeutic agent in rheumatic conditions and the medical evidence for efficacy and side effects. This serious shortfall covers many angles as a therapeutic agent, including the uncertainty of amount present in a compound, dosing, interactions, pharmacodynamics, and possible side effects. However, further research and its implementation at a larger scale will give an alternative to the traditional allopathic medicine used to treat arthritis.

If you are interested in seeing a medical marijuana Doctor in Lakeland or any other areas of Florida, please contact our offices today or visit our website today to learn more.

May 24, 2019

Can Medical Marijuana Help Treat Breast Cancer?

Can medical marijuana help to treat Breast cancer?


Breast cancer claims a huge number of lives each year. As indicated by the World Health Organization, it is the most well-known cancer among ladies throughout the world. Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in women.

Present treatment options are expensive and can incorporate side effects such as lethargy, pain in the neck, vomiting, constipation, and throat ulcers. Patients want different option a natural product. Here is a portion of the fantastic ways marijuana can support with Breast cancer, particularly when directed sublingually and topically.

Breast cancer is malevolent tumor:

Breast cancer happens when a malevolent tumor develops in the Breast. A malevolent tumor is a cluster of cancerous cells that either develop or spread to different body parts. Although Breast cancer happens fundamentally in ladies, men are not resistant. It’s evaluated that more than 2,500 men will be determined to have Breast cancer this year only.

Marijuana (cannabis) Causes the Self-Destruction of tumor cells:

CBD comprises cancer-fighting characteristics. An investigation in 2011 revealed CBD encouraged apoptosis and autophagy. Basically, this means CBD causes the death of cancer cells and after that helps clean all, replacing dead cells with healthy cells.

CBD Prevents Metastasis in Breast Cancer Cells:

One cause Breast cancer is so dangerous is its ability to move in other parts of the body. Cancerous cells can go grow in adjacent tissues and organs. In some conditions, cancer cells can even spread to remote areas inside the body. When this occurs, it is known as metastasis.

Metastasis is the advancement of secondary malevolent tumors. Such as, Breast cancer that moves towards liver is called metastatic cancer. It is also called stage IV of Breast cancer or advanced cancer. Scientists now accept metastasis may really be associated with one particular gene known as the ID-1 gene.

In 2007, an investigation in California discovered CBD hinders this gene. In simple words, CBD kills the trigger related to the advancement of cancerous cells.

The experts behind an investigation concluded:

“CBD expresses the main safe exogenous agent that can diminish Id-1 gene expression in Breast cancerous cells promoting the down-regulation of cancer violence.”

THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD Treatments Combined Are Very Effective:

THC and CBD both have cancer-fighting effects, their properties are strengthened when combined. An investigation issued in the British Journal of Pharmacology discovered that among the best approaches to destroy these cancer cells was to combine CBD and THC.

Although CBD as well as THC can diminish cancer advancement, they individually do so with the help of distinctive anti-tumor paths. Merging these cannabinoids increases the therapeutic effects. Especially for those who are suffering from metastatic Breast cancer.

Cannabis Calms Side-Effects from Chemotherapy:

Cannabis isn’t just fit for handling the condition. It also gives alleviation from the symptoms of traditional treatment. Patients experiencing chemotherapy for Breast cancer can encounter devastating and painful symptoms including:

  • Nausea
  • Nervousness
  • Loss of sleep
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unhappiness

Meanwhile, cannabis is a demonstrated treatment for every one of these conditions. Also, cannabis has a very low toxicity level. Weather treating for alleviation from the symptoms of chemotherapy or facilitating treat their condition with the help of using tincture and cannabis topically, the therapeutic importance of cannabis is clear.

If you or someone you know is interested in the benefits of medical marijuana and would like to make an appointment with a medical marijuana doctor in florida, please contact our offices today or visit our website to learn more.


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250



All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.