July 20, 2022

Medical Marijuana Doctors in Orlando FL – All Natural MD

Medical Marijuana in Orlando, FL Since 2016, medical marijuana in Orlando has been readily available for patients with a medical marijuana card to pick up from a dispensary. There are numerous causes for a person wanting medical marijuana in Orlando, FL, spanning from chronic pain and anxiety to Crohn’s disease.   Whatever reason you may have, at All Natural MD, we are dedicated to making it as easy as possible for patients to receive a medical marijuana consultation in Orlando, FL, so that they can move forward in their journey to health and pain alleviation.   If you think you require medical marijuana in Orlando, whether it be for physical pain, insomnia, or a host of other ailments in which marijuana can remedy, the first step to take is to contact a doctor to book an appointment so that they can deem you eligible for a medical card.   Receiving a medical marijuana card in Orlando is a simple process, in which a registered professional such as a doctor will determine your eligibility for a card and allow you to finalize the process if they believe you require one.   If you’re looking for medical marijuana in Orlando, FL, but have any queries, questions, or concerns about how to obtain your medical card or book an appointment with a doctor, we’ve compiled this guide of commonly asked questions to make the process as easy as possible for you:   Where Can I Locate a Medical Marijuana Doctor in Orlando, FL? Finding a Medical Marijuana doctor in Orlando is the first crucial step to receiving a medical marijuana card in Orlando. A doctor can assess your concerns to see if medical marijuana is a necessary solution through an in-person exam. Once they have deemed you eligible, you will be able to obtain a medical card.   There are currently over half a million qualified medical marijuana patients in Florida, which means that there are naturally multiple ways to find a doctor who will qualify you for a medical card. One option is to go through your healthcare provider. However, there could be a chance they do not have the facilities to help.   Related Article   If you’re looking for a dependable medical marijuana doctor in Orlando, you can request an appointment with one of our doctors at All Natural MD using the form on our website or calling us at 800-250-6737. We offer a guarantee that you will receive a medical marijuana card by booking an appointment with one of our specialists, or your consultation will be free of charge!   Once you’ve filled out the application form, you’ll be required to answer a few questions by phone, and then you’ll be able to get an appointment with a medical marijuana doctor in Orlando with ease! Our services are by far the most reliable way to find a medical marijuana doctor in Orlando, as we specialize in connecting clients with high-quality, licensed medical marijuana doctors.   Florida law states that patients must be re-certified every 210 days to be eligible, and our services are also happy to assist someone looking to renew their eligibility for medical marijuana in Orlando, FL.   What is The Cost of Seeing a Medical Marijuana Doctor in Orlando, FL? At All Natural MD, we recognize that medical marijuana is a necessary medication that can help alleviate pain for patients across a spectrum of different mental and physical health concerns. That’s why we’ve tried our best to offer our services at an affordable price so that anyone who is looking for medical marijuana in Orlando, FL, can use our specialists to get the help they need.   First, it’s essential to note that there are some costs outside of our services that are beyond our control. For example, as per Florida law, the Florida department of health charges a flat rate of $75 for a medical card – this will be the same price anywhere you go and covers the card itself, but not the cost of the consultation.   To get a consultation with one of our medical marijuana doctors in Orlando, it will cost you $199. For this price, you will receive a guaranteed full State maximum certification, which is 210 days or seven months. Our All Natural MD doctors will also help you get registered and assist you with obtaining a medical card.   As we mentioned earlier, if your consultation fails for an undue reason and you do not receive a medical marijuana card from seeing one of our medical marijuana doctors in Orlando, your consultation will be free of charge!   How Long Does It Take After I See a Marijuana Doctor in Orlando, FL? We understand at All Natural MD that people suffering from chronic pain, mental illness, or a host of other health issues will want medical marijuana as soon as possible so that they can alleviate their pain. That’s why we pledge to be candid with the length of the process of getting a medical card once you’ve had your consultation.   After one of our doctors at All Natural MD has given you your consultation and deemed you eligible for a medical card in Orlando, FL, we will then assist in getting you registered with Florida’s Medical Marijuana Use Registry. Here you will pay the aforementioned $75 payment for your medical card. Once this step has been taken, the time it takes for your application and payment to be processed is ultimately out of our hands, but on average, it takes around ten days.   Once you receive approval and get registered with Florida’s Medical Marijuana Use Registry, you will then be required to wait to receive your medical card in Orlando, FL, so that you can show it to the employees in a dispensary and receive your medical marijuana. The card is typically sent to you by mail, and the process can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks.   So, all in all, once you’ve had a consultation with one of our medical marijuana doctors in Orlando, FL, it will take, on average, around three weeks before you have your medical card and are ready to start picking up your medical marijuana!   Conclusion At All Natural MD, we have made it our mission to dedicate our time to ensure that all patients can easily receive a medical card in Orlando. With our host of medical marijuana doctors in Florida, it’s never been easier to get the medicine you need to help you live your life.   To request an appointment with one of All Natural MD’s doctors, simply fill out the online form or call our office directly at 800-250-6737. We charge a flat fee of $199, which ensures you a full State maximum certification for medical marijuana of 210 days/7 months. If you are not eligible for a card after a consultation with one of our medical marijuana doctors in Orlando, FL, then you will get your money back!   After you have been deemed eligible, we will send your application to Florida’s Medical Marijuana Use Registry, where it will take ten days to process and around 2-3 weeks for your medical card to arrive in the mail. Once you have your medical card, you’re free to go to any dispensary in Orlando, FL, or Florida in general, and find the right medical marijuana to treat your health concern.   Previous Article
July 19, 2022

Are There Interactions With Cannabis and Other Medications

It doesn’t matter if it is a prescription drug or a recreational drug, all drugs have compounds that interact with other compounds, adverse interactions with cannabis appear rare. As example of drugs interaction there is caffeine, which most people take on a daily basis. Caffeine has over eighty known interactions with other substances. It is difficult to determine the relevance of a drug interaction, some of them are not harmful but given the number of variables it could change.

Before stopping your prescribed medications you must consult it with your healthcare provider. If you want professionals to tell you more about changing to a cannabis treatment avoiding dangerous interactions. People diagnosed with depression can be prescribed antidepressants, very little research has been made taking prescribed drugs while using cannabis. Antidepressants side effects can be similar to those produced by marijuana use.

These sagacious medical marijuana cardholders have one stifling concern: Is it safe to use medical marijuana with prescribed prescribed drugs? For more on this topic you can also check the American Medical Association’s (AMA’s) research guide into how medical marijuana interacts with other meds.

However, there are other kind of risks to consider when mixing drugs and cannabis, antidepressants could be less effective or take longer to work, this could set the treatment on and off protocols, prolonging recovery. Patients with diabetes should be careful when their medication is set to lower blood sugar levels, as cannabis helps regulate blood sugar the effectiveness of the treatment could be compromised, we recommend measuring your blood sugar level while using metformin or a similar treatment and cannabis. Remember there are newer medications and research is needed, talk to your cannabis doctor if you want to consume cannabis while on medication.


The liver is key to drug interactions with cannabis. The liver uses enzymes, particularly one called CYP3A4, to metabolize and eliminate medical cannabis and other drugs from the body.  Aside from filtering out medical cannabis and other medications, the CYP enzymes are the primary culprits in causing drug interactions with cannabis.


The CYP enzymes don’t act the same with every prescription drug and medical cannabis. Some drugs interfere with the job being done by CYP3A4. This interference can block the metabolic processing of cannabis and other drugs. The interference in turn creates a backlog of drug concentrations waiting to be expelled from the body. Anytime the liver is holding an extra bag of drug concentrations, conditions are ripe for toxic side effects from prescription drug interactions with cannabis. Although these interactions can be negative, it is worth remembering that, in some instances, cannabis may help replace the need for more addictive and deadly pharmaceuticals.


If you are interested in meeting with a medical marijuana doctor to discuss a therapeutic option to treat and alleviative your conditions with the use of cannabis, please reach out to All Natural MD marijuana doctors in Florida who can assist you in getting a medical marijuana card to treat your alignments. Qualify for medical cannabis through the All Natural MD today.


All Natural MD has been issuing marijuana cards since 2016 and has close to 15,000 patients and growing. We have medical cannabis locations all over the State of Florida to ease the burden of having to see us in person every 210 days as required by the State. (800) 250-6737.


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July 11, 2022

Get Medical Cannabis For Pain Related To Motor Vehicle Accident Orlando FL

Motor Vehicle Accident Marijuana Cards Orlando FL

A new study finds an increase in accident insurance claims in three states that have approved the sale of marijuana for recreational use. According the Highway Safety Institute, the number of vehicle collisions reported to insurance companies in in States that have legal marijuana is 3 percent higher than what would have been expected if those states had not made it legal to buy pot. We see strong evidence of an increased crash risk in states that have approved recreational marijuana sales. While research finds a greater crash risk, his study does not say if the increase in collisions in the three states were directly caused by drivers who were high. The study also did not look at highway fatality rates in the states that legalized marijuana.



Marijuana Cards in Orlando FL

To determine whether collision rates are higher now in state that issue marijuana cards in Orlando Florida and other States than their would be if recreational pot use was still illegal, the institute compared the collision claim rates before and after legalization with the collision claim rates of comparable states where pot is still illegal. The study comes as more states are considering legislation to approve pot sales. Opponents say legalization will lead to a number of problems including the increased likelihood of people driving under the influence.


Since Orlando Florida first approved cannabis, the question of whether high drivers are getting into more accidents has been suggested, but never definitively proven, partially because there is not a field sobriety test to check drivers specifically for marijuana. Another reason it’s hard to determine exactly how many accidents are caused by stoned drivers is that drivers testing positive for having THC often have alcohol in their system as well.


Marijuana Doctors in Orlando FL

.It has long been known that Orlando medication doctors can issue marijuana cards that will helps with pain management. From acute sharp short term pain, to chronic, deeper more long lasting pain, multiple studies have shown cannabis can replace opioids for pain management and help suffering patients live more normal lives. However, as we know, when it comes to cannabis in the United States, it’s never as straight forward as just going to the doctor and picking up a prescription. Well, that is slowly changing. As cannabis becomes more main stream in the US, medical cannabis is replacing opioids for pain management. There are thirty states with medical cannabis programs, more than a handful of states with high CBD cannabis laws and eight states with adult use cannabis, opening Cannabinoid medication access to a record number of Americans. Nowhere else is cannabis replacing opioids for pain management faster than in Orlando Florida and surround areas.


If you would like more information on what medical marijuana in Orlando Florida can do for you and your family. Please contact the office of All Natural MD Orlando to see if you qualify today.


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All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250



All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.