The main problem with the US cannabis legislation is that the laws vary significantly from state to state. This can lead to confusion and unfortunate consequences. Therefore, it is essential to know precisely what your state requires and to strictly adhere to them. In this article, we will cover in detail all aspects related to the renewal of a medical marijuana card in Florida.
Florida Marijuana Laws
Currently, cannabis use in Florida is only permitted for medical reasons. The state government is considering legalizing recreational use, but such a law has not yet been passed. Accordingly, use without a medical card or after its expiration is a crime. So, if you are wondering whether you need to renew my Florida medical marijuana card, be sure to read this information.
Under Florida law, cannabis products can be used to improve well-being during chemotherapy, immunodeficiency syndrome, anxiety disorder, and other medical conditions. To obtain permission, the diagnosis must be confirmed by a medical examination. However, a consultation with a certified doctor is required to determine whether marijuana use is necessary.
The medical card is valid for exactly one year from the date of receipt. If this period has already expired, you will not be able to purchase and use cannabis products. However, this does not affect your right to renew it again and continue to enjoy the benefits. If you approach this issue responsibly and monitor the deadlines, you will have uninterrupted access to the necessary medicine.
Description of the Florida Marijuana Renewal Process
You should start thinking about replacing your medical card no later than 45 days before it expires. Sometimes, formalities can drag on, and it is better to complete all necessary actions in advance. The renewal procedure itself is not complicated and includes several steps.
Consultation with a Florida Marijuana Doctor
Of course, you already went through this step when you received your card. However, it is also necessary to renew your card. You must contact a certified specialist and provide him with confirmation of your diagnosis. It is not necessary to provide all medical records. A conclusion or test results are enough. A certified doctor will confirm that you have a disease that requires taking cannabis. You don’t have to make repeat visits to the doctor. Florida laws allow the use of telemedicine for this purpose. However, remember that you must undergo follow-up examinations at least once every 210 days.
Submitting an Application
You can apply by mail or online at the OMMU website. To do this, you will need to fill out a special form. Be careful and provide correct information. After you have sent the form for review, you will need to pay a fee. The card renewal costs $75.00, but if you apply online, you will have to pay an additional $2.75.
Receiving the Florida Marijuana Card
After payment, your application will be reviewed, and if you have done everything correctly, you will be issued a new card. It will also be valid for a year. Since the new card is sent by mail, there may be some delays in receiving it. This is why it is essential to start the application process early.
It is important to remember that even having a valid medical card does not give you complete freedom of action. You should be aware of the existing restrictions. Here are the main ones:
Quantity. The cardholder can purchase up to 2.5 ounces per 35 days. Exceeding this limit is allowed through your Doctor.
Forms of use. You may only use certified cannabis products. Purchasing smoking mixtures and other forms not approved by law is prohibited.
Place of purchase. You can only buy cannabis from licensed centers. All other sources are illegal and fall under the law on illegal drug trafficking.
Place of use. Having a medical card does not give permission to use cannabis in public places. It is also not allowed to do so in residential complexes. Therefore, you should find out in advance where you can legally take cannabis products.
You probably already know all of these nuances, but it never hurts to refresh your memory. It should be noted that minor deviations from these rules are not considered serious crimes and usually result in a short sentence or fine. However, if you significantly exceed the permissible amount, you may face serious problems with the law.
Additional Recommendations
We have already mentioned the first piece of advice, but we would like to emphasize it. Pay close attention to the expiration date of the card. Since the delivery process can take several weeks, it is better to start the renewal procedure in advance. The law allows you to do this 45 days before the expiration of the previous card.
After receiving a new card, strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding dosages and methods of use. This will help to achieve maximum effect and avoid negative consequences.
Be aware of the restrictions and do not follow them. The card gives you the right to use cannabis but does not exempt you from liability if you break the law. Do not take this lightly. Most often, patients violate the requirements regarding the amount and place of use, so refresh your memory.
Do not endanger yourself and others. After using cannabis, do not drive vehicles or operate complex machinery. Remember that not only you but also those around you can suffer from this. Therefore, take a responsible approach to this issue.
The Florida medical marijuana card renewal is valid for one year. After that, you need to renew it. This procedure is extremely simple, and you can apply without leaving your home. You also do not need to visit a doctor in person. The completed card will be sent to you by mail. After receiving it, you will be able to purchase and use cannabis products for medical purposes again.