Author: All Natural

December 16, 2020 All Natural

What is Tourette’s Syndrome Tourette syndrome is a condition that is often seen as a laughing situation for few people. While it may be funny to watch someone ticking, it’s a condition that can be very distressing for the patient, and for people who are close to them. The condition causes the patient to perform actions and sounds…

December 11, 2020 All Natural

There are many studies, articles and data online and readily available to all as it relates to using THC prescribed by a marijuana doctor help with chronic depression. If you are one of many Americans dealing with this condition, you might have these and other questions about marijuana and its role as a possible treatment. Anxiety and Depression disorders are the most common…

December 6, 2020 All Natural

Cannabis which is also known as marijuana, weed, pot, herb, etc…is a plant that comes from and are believed to have evolved on the steppes of Central Asia, specifically in the regions that are now Mongolia and southern Siberia, according to Warf. The history of cannabis use goes back as far as 12,000 years.   Humans have…

December 3, 2020 All Natural

Physicians often prescribe medical marijuana for tremors and other movement disorders. There are about 20 different types of tremors that range from mild to crippling. They can be classified as either a resting tremor or an action tremor.   A resting tremor occurs in relaxed muscles and often affects only the fingers and hands. Most tremors are action…

December 1, 2020 All Natural

Cannabis commonly known as marijuana is being used widely for recreational or medicinal purposes. Have you ever pondered the edibles that you are taking inside your body, what they are capable of doing? How do your organs respond to them? And most importantly what power they hold to cast the effect on your body?  …

November 27, 2020 All Natural

As marijuana grows in popularity, you can see a lot of edible made out cannabis these days. Cannabis is actually one of the substances we get from marijuana, which can also be used to manufacture medicines, rope, clothing, paper, and many other products. As a result, marijuana is not banned in many areas; thus, marijuana…

November 18, 2020 All Natural

The gallbladder is a pouch-shaped, small organ located at the upper right side of the abdomen. Its function is to store bile which is secreted by the liver for metabolism of fatty foods. The organ is thus not essential and doctors typically opt for its removal when it causes health problems.   Cannabis, or marijuana,…

November 10, 2020 All Natural

The Best Ways to Use Cannabis to relieve pain from hemorrhoids: You probably must have heard from someone that they do not get relief from any medications for their hemorrhoids. People have been trying all sorts of herbal and medicinal supplements for their condition.   Hemorrhoids are commonly known for piles or swellings in the…

November 9, 2020 All Natural

After becoming legal for medicinal use, Marijuana cards administered by Marijuana doctors in Florida were able to be obtained. One of the most common patients prescribed medicinal Marijuana cards are cancer patients. It has been proven in studies that Cannabis can alleviate nausea which is a symptom of chemotherapy.  Studies also show that for patients…

November 6, 2020 All Natural

Medical marijuana is gaining popularity and public support by the day. It is estimated that medical marijuana sale numbers are estimated to reach 23 billion US dollars by 2025.   Medical Marijuana has now been legalized in 34 states in the United States including Florida and 33 others.  According to expert medical marijuana doctors, the drug…