There has been an ongoing battle as to whether cannabis can relieve and/or treat symptoms of anxiety. Many medical experts say, it can do both.
As more information emerges about how marijuana can treat and relieve some of the symptoms of anxiety, it’s important to recognize and educate on the effects of cannabis on anxiety disorders.
Whether cannabis can harm or help anxiety comes down to understanding the different cannabinoids in marijuana, particularly THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) and how they affect someone with anxiety disorder differently. When these are properly distinguished, it’s easier to see that cannabis can provide great benefit to someone coping with anxiety and related disorders.
Most medical marijuana doctors along with cannabis educators would agree that cannabis can potentially cause more harming than helping someone with anxiety-related disorders if not used in an educated way. If you or someone you know lives with anxiety, and use marijuana, it’s important to know the role of THC and how a certain plant strain can potentially increase anxiety.
High-THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) strains produce a greater psychoactive effect, which may not be a productive state of mind for people with high anxiety, as it can often incite feelings of anxiousness or intense questioning or ones self. While others who use high-THC strains report positive and uplifting feelings, people with anxiety disorders or other personality or mental health-related disorders could potentially react negatively.
Earlier this year, the popular publication VICE reported on how some people just can’t seem to handle marijuana. The story follows Chelsey Wind a 6-year medical marijuana user who has been using medical marijuana for pain management (hyperlink to landing page). Wind, who finds the medical marijuana beneficial for pain, finds that high-THC strains have an adverse effect on her anxiety.
People who also want to use marijuana and have anxiety may also find negative effects from Sativa-dominant strains. Like others, many with high anxiety find that they benefit more from the “body high” and relief feelings brought on by using certain strains.
If you want to achieve the maximum effect when it comes to exploring cannabis for anxiety, understand that dosing is everything. The cannabis community is being turned on to the idea of micro-dosing cannabis to maximize the effectiveness of the plant. Micro-dosing takes the “less is more” approach to cannabis use which many don’t recognize is one of the keys to the effectiveness of medical marijuana. Micro-dosing involves taking periodic, tiny doses of marijuana into your body over an extended period of time. This approach allows your body to release the cannabis into your body over a slow period of time. People micro-dose by taking smaller “pulls” of their vaporizer pens or taking smaller doses of cannabis oil through tinctures, drops or edibles more frequently throughout the day. Micro-dosing is an interesting way to approach using THC strains if THC is deemed beneficial for another medical condition for which you’re using medical marijuana, but you do not want to experience the psychoactive effects of THC.
If you have anxiety and a looking to get a medical marijuana card in Florida, please contact the All Natural MD Florida team of professionals today. We are licensed and certified medical marijuana doctors in Florida who can help you get you marijuana card hassle-free. We have locations in Lakeland, Sarasota, Bradenton, Orlando, Tampa, Brandon and others with our newest location in Fort Myers. The Fort Myers marijuana cards location is located at:
All Natural MD – Fort Myers