April 19, 2019

Medical Cannabis Effective in Treating Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis?

Medical Cannabis Effective in Treating Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis For Florida Patients? Crohn’s disease is a long-standing conditions that outcome in inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, happening anyplace from the mouth to the end of the body. Regular symptoms contain fever, abdominal pain, and weight reduction. Crohn’s disease is described by times of relapse when individuals are effectively experiencing symptoms and times of abatement when the symptoms stop. What Is Ulcerative Colitis? Ulcerative colitis is an endless, long-lasting illness that causes inflammation of the colon and rectum. Side effects may contain the runs, rectal bleeding, the passage of mucus, and abdominal pain. It is described by times of intense flares when individuals experience symptoms just as times of reduction when indications stop. Different illnesses of this sort incorporate Crohn’s disease (CD). In spite of the fact that it was once trusted that UC and CD were two distinctly unique illnesses, up to 10 percent of patients could have symptoms of both these diseases Medical expert’s term having symptoms of both ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease as uncertain colitis. Is Medical Cannabis Effective in Treating Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis? Research around medicinal cannabis is blasting at this moment. While there have been numerous issues in the past, including legal barriers and skepticism, day by day more medicinal researchers and scientists are interested in cannabis and its medicinal properties than any time ever. Studies are being directed in a wide range of areas, some of them are just starting. As more studies are finished, more is being discovered about just what job cannabis could play in human wellbeing. One region of request right currently is the effects of medical cannabis in the treatment of Crohn’s disease. Some marijuana doctors need to know whether it could be a powerful treatment. On the off chance that you or someone close to you has gotten ulcerative colitis diagnosis, you probably need to learn as much as you can about it. You’ll be better arranged to manage symptoms and lead a fuller, increasingly agreeable life by having a decent understanding of the condition, including your treatment options. To alleviate your symptoms and to deal with this condition, you can attempt various ordinary treatments. You may also consider attempting medical cannabis. The symptoms include in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis:
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of energy
  • Potential weight loss
  • Abdominal pain
  • Rectal bleeding
Treatment from Medical Cannabis for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: Crohn’s can have severe problems such as bacterial overgrowth, intestinal blockages, malnutrition, and ulcers. “60 to 75 percent of Crohn’s patients may require surgery at some stage because of possible complications. The kind of system will depend upon the severity and area of the disease in the intestines,” said Naftali. Presently you realize how medicinal pot can help you; now we should take a look at the methods of cannabis treatment so you can choose which to use to treat your ulcerative colitis symptoms:
  • Smoking. Smoking pot gives you instant relief and is inexpensive. Be that as it may, smoke could hurt your lungs, and you’ll smell of cannabis.
  • Vaping. Vaping provides fast alleviation, doesn’t make you smell as much as smoking and isn’t as harsh on your lungs as smoking a joint.
  • Juices. You can mix crude, fresh cannabis leaves with some healthy juice. Drinking juice is a decent choice in the event that you have little appetite.
  • Sprays. Cannabis sprays arrive in a variety of mild flavors.
  • Tinctures. These are alcohol-based extracts that you add to your nourishment and drinks.
  • Suppositories. Dispensaries also sell medical pot in suppository structure. You can purchase suppository-production kits in health food stores,, or you can get them on the web.
Conclusion: The medical community has woken up to the advantages of medicinal pot as of late. It never again has the shame it once had, and for a valid justification. On the off chance that you or somebody you cherish are looking for an approach to normally and delicately diminish your UC symptoms, scan for a medical marijuana specialist or dispensary today to discover progressively about cannabis and ulcerative colitis. Contact All Natural MD today as they offer medical marijuana doctors certifications and ID card in Florida.
April 19, 2019

Medical Cannabis for Cancer Patients in Florida

Medical Cannabis for Cancer Patients in Florida

Cancer refers to the abnormal development of cells. These cells divide uncontrollably and can also penetrate, infiltrate, and destroy normal tissues. Cancer is a dangerous disease, which can often spread throughout the body. According to the World Health Organization, it is one of the leading causes of death in the world.  









The National Institute of Health (NIH) has deemed the use, safety, and effectiveness of medical cannabis for a variety of medical conditions including:

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Arthritis
  • Epilepsy
  • Insomnia

But what about Cancer? While cannabis cannot cure this disease completely, it can significantly reduce the acuteness and severity of the symptoms. Research studies have shown that both CBD and THC, which are two of the main active elements found in cannabis, can drastically stimulate appetite that can help with cachexia, anorexia, and weight loss that many patients suffering from cancer usually experience. Likewise, medical cannabis is extremely effective at fighting/combating nausea caused by typical cancer treatments like chemotherapy.

Some clinical research studies on cancer suggest that medical cannabis can either slow down the growth of cancerous cells or kill some type of cancer. Nonetheless, earlier research studies that tested the aforementioned hypothesis have revealed that although CBD and/or cannabinoids are safer for treatment, they are not very effective at curing cancer. Moreover, the Endocannabinoid System contains a series of molecular receptors, which are specifically designed to receive cannabinoids. Particularly, this includes tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinol (CBN), and Cannabigerol (CBG).

Moreover, receptors such as CB1 and CB2 are specific targets for THC. When THC binds with the cannabinoid receptor, it stimulates appetite, motor function, food intake, etc., which significantly reduce the potential symptoms of the patient.

A number of Marijuana Doctors recommend the use of medical cannabis for cancer treatment. This substance does not have any psychoactive effects, which makes it a potent anti-cancer agent. Medical Cannabis has the ability to significantly interfere with cellular communication in tumor cells. It also has the ability to promote apoptosis and/or programmed cancer cell death.

According to Florida marijuana doctors and researchers at the CP Medical Center, medical cannabis can affect genes that play a role in aggressive metastasis. Furthermore, they explained that medical cannabis shuts cellular growth receptors. Here, it is important to know that this study was in vitro and based on animal trials.  

Researchers have conducted various clinical studies to examine the combined effect of THC and CBD on prostate, lung, colon, liver, pancreas, cervical, bladder, liver, and brain tumors. Such studies provide increasing evidence and information to the fact that medical cannabis is not only an antioxidant phytonutrient but also a very powerful “Herbal Chemo” agent.

Furthermore, one of the advantages of medical cannabis is that it targets specifically tumor cells. It does not have any toxic non-tumor or normal cells. This, particularly, is an advantage or benefit with respect to the standard chemotherapy procedure that targets basically everything.

In conclusion, there are numerous research studies available online that show the effectiveness of cannabis in treating cancer. However, we need to learn more about strains and conduct targeted research studies to explore further the unprecedented benefits of medical cannabis or marijuana for the treatment of cancer.

If you’re interested in getting started on medical marijuana in Florida, please contact us today or visit our website to learn more.

April 16, 2019

The Difference Between Smoking and Vaping Medical Marijuana

The Difference Between Smoking and Vaping Medical Marijuana

What is Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana is cannabis which is used by physicians for patients. It has been used as a medical treatment by marijuana doctors for centuries. The federal government considers it illegal, but some states allow it just to treat health problems. There are different ways to use medical marijuana. A marijuana doctor may give it to you as a pill, to smoke the leaves, inhale vaporized spray or bake it in food. These different ways have different symptoms and side effects that a person may feel.

Medical marijuana may treat different types of conditions, but scientists are still not sure if it really helps all of these conditions. As of now, it can treat Alzheimer’s, Seizers, Cancer, AIDS, Epilepsy, Crohn’s Disease, Severe Nausea, Multiple Sclerosis, Hepatitis C, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic Pain, Glaucoma.

The side effects of using marijuana by using low doses of include dry mouth and fatigue. When taking high doses, dizziness, paranoia and psychoactive effects may be included. The health benefits of using medical marijuana include adjusting the immune system to promote neuroplasticity.

Difference Between Medical and Normal Marijuana

Medical marijuana is used for medical purposes and prescribed by marijuana doctors while normal marijuana is just used for fun. There are some points which tell the differences between medical and normal marijuana.

Legal Buying Age

The legal drinking and drug use age in most countries is 21. But when buying it for medical reasons one will be given a license by marijuana doctors and a recommendation note. Moreover, the buyer must be 18 years old or over.

Buying normal marijuana is illegal for all ages but the buying age must be 21 years old or over.


This is one of the main differences between medical and normal marijuana. There is a huge difference between THC and CBD.

THC contains an ingredient which can make a person high and can make them achieve very exciting effects. Generally, THC is the strain of weed that gives the user psychoactive effects.

In contrast, CBD does not have psychoactive effects like THC but it can help reduce the negative side effects of THC. CBD actually has ingredients which are beneficial for medical reasons. Doctors or scientists use it for health treatments for dangerous health problems.

It is important to know about the difference between medical marijuana and normal marijuana just because of the legal differences. Medical marijuana is used for patients by doctors to treat health issues. It contains CBD. It does not have psychoactive effects. It can be bought only for medical issues and a doctor’s recommendation note is required for its purchase. Also, a person should be 18 or over to buy medical marijuana. While normal marijuana is used to get high and to have fun, it is not used to treat health conditions. Normal marijuana contains THC which contains psychoactive effects. It is illegal it can be only be bought when someone is 21 or over and in a limited number of countries.

Difference Between Smoking and Vaping Medical Marijuana

When you set fire to a plant, it gets destroyed and creates smoke. But vaporization is different in terms of smoking.  Heating the cannabis flowers by vaporization devices at low temperatures melt the fatty cannabis resins without burning the plant. After melting it, the resins turn into a type of steam from their solid form. After the steam is created, it is inhaled by the user.

Smoking marijuana isn’t good for the health, but vaping is. Smoking can cause damage and problems to the respiratory system. When we smoke, most of the cannabis is lost due to side stream smoke, while vaping loses very little product because the product is being heated in a closed chamber. It is now legal to buy smokable medical marijuana in Florida, click here to see how it works.

Different cannabis flavors are discovered after being exposed to different temperatures. Unlike smoking, vaporization can give you very different flavors and fragrances from cannabis.

Generally, both ways are dangerous for the health, but vaping is considered to be less dangerous than smoking marijuana. Vaping causes less damage to the lungs than smoking does. Doctors or scientists recommend vaping medical marijuana than smoking. There are benefits to vaping medical marijuana but no specific disadvantages as they are the same disadvantages as vaping recreational marijuana says on expert on medical marijuana in Florida.

Alongside all of this information, smoking and vaping marijuana each have their own pros and cons.

Benefits of Vaping Medical Marijuana

One benefit is that we have choices while vaping marijuana. There are various ways of vaping marijuana. The vaping styles, flavors, equipment may seem to go on forever. When we start to vape marijuana, there are some vaporization devices that can control the temperature while using them.

Another advantage is that vaping marijuana does not need lighters or matches. People sometimes lose their lighters and matches at home so vaping marijuana is a lot easier than smoking it.

Another benefit is that vaping marijuana does not result in the bad smell or odor that smoking leads to. 

Drawbacks of Vaping Marijuana

Along with benefits, there are also some disadvantages of vaping medial marijuana.

A disadvantage is that the vaporization device needs to be charged. Without a charged vaporization device, no vaping can be done. However, some vaporization devices are of high quality and once they are fully charged, they can be used for several hours without charging it again.

Moreover, vaping needs a lot of practice. Vaping is hard because unlike smoking, it is done from a device so before vaping, practice is needed.

Benefits of Smoking Medical Marijuana

There are some benefits to smoking just like there are to vape.

Smoking marijuana gives more intense effects quickly, even faster than vaping it.

Moreover, smoking isn’t hard like vaping is and it doesn’t require a lot of practice. If you are a first-time smoker then you might need to practice before you get the hang of it. 

Drawbacks of Smoking Medical Marijuana

Along with benefits, there are also some drawbacks of smoking marijuana.

A disadvantage is that once you start smoking you may be unable to control your emotions. In this way, it is more dangerous than vaping. However, when using CBD this may not be much of a problem.

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All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250



All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.