February 14, 2019

How Medical Marijuana Works for Florida Patients

How Medical Marijuana Works for Florida Patients The marijuana subject is a subject that always causes tension anywhere and anytime it comes up because of the policies surrounding its usage. There are some certain Marijuana Questions that keeps circulating amongst scientists, researchers, doctors, and the general public. Has marijuana been proven safe? If legalized, won’t it cause lots of damage to society at large? Has it been Proven effective in treating several medical conditions and what exactly are those conditions? Is marijuana addictive and how can it be kept out of the teenager’s reach? These are the few among the many questions that people always ask when the subject marijuana comes up. Of all the queries that this subject raises, one thing is very certain that marijuana doctors are most importantly only concerned about the health of the general public. For the marijuana doctor, the only focus is in ensuring that several diseases that are termed as deadly and perhaps uncurable get to be treated without patients undergoing any painful procedure. In a nutshell, marijuana doctors are concerned about saving lives in a less painful way. Marijuana is legalized in 33 states of the U.S including Florida even though the U.S federal government still think it is illegal from their perspective. A stat showed that about 85% of the American population are in favor of legalizing marijuana which means millions of Americans are presently using it. Marijuana doctors make use of the marijuana plant or the chemicals that are in it to treat various diseases or conditions. The marijuana plant is still the same recreational marijuana, the difference is that marijuana doctors use it to treat medical conditions. Medical marijuana is used to treat diseases as well as the symptoms that come with it. Below are the several medical conditions that medical marijuana is used to treat; Marijuana has at least 100 components. CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are often the most talked about. This CBD is the most used component of the cannabis plant because it has little or no intoxicating property. The CBD works well with the human body because the functionality of the human body includes generating cannabinoids known as “endocannabinoids” by itself. So, when there is an intake of the CBD it goes well with the human body. CBD doesn’t alter the state of mind of a person, and it doesn’t stimulate them into a “High feeling state” it only ensures the functionality of endocannabinoids of the body. THC, on the other hand triggers a high feeling when marijuana is consumed. Since CBD doesn’t have the same effect as THC, orlando marijuana doctors often make use of CBD to treat several medical conditions, and this doesn’t alter the consciousness of the patients. If anyone is suffering from any chronic health conditions, they are eligible to have access to Medical marijuana at All Natural Medical Solutions in the state of Florida. For any patient to benefit from Medical marijuana, they must have a one-on-one meeting with a marijuana doctor who is certified in compassionate use. It is this Marijuana doctor that will certify if a patient qualifies for such. Also, to be able to certify patients, a doctor must have an unrestricted medical license. According to the law, patients are to be re-certified every 210 days, and the marijuana doctor can certify about 70-day cannabis supply at a time. Some patients are often embarrassed to inquire on Medical marijuana, but there is really nothing to be embarrassed about. In case you are wondering where to go and who to consult about Medical marijuana, the best place is just at the All Natural Medical Solutions. All you have to do is to book an appointment with us, and we will be able to assist you. We are situated in Florida, a state where Medical marijuana is legalized. At All Natural Medical Solutions, we have qualified Marijuana doctors who are also authorized to issue Florida Medical Marijuana cards to qualified patients.
February 13, 2019

The pros and cons of using medical marijuana

The pros and cons of using medical marijuana

The argument for and against the use of medical marijuana has been ongoing for a while now. With states like Florida and many others legalizing the use of marijuana for medical or recreational purpose, proponents (marijuana doctors and marijuana users) are calling for Federal recognition of the plant as a medicinal plant and not a harmful substance. Of course, the opposition stands against such notions and campaign for the ban of marijuana use for whatever purpose.

Both sides of the divide have points to support their stand. This has made the debate on the matter interesting because of the wide variety of opinion out there. If you have no knowledge of this debate or lack information to form an opinion and decide whether to use marijuana or support/go against the use. Then this article will be an exposition on the pros and cons of using Medical Marijuana. With that in mind, lets us look at some key information regarding the use of medical marijuana.

At the moment, Marijuana is a banned substance in the U.S. It is classified as a Schedule 1 drug by the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency). That means; the U.S Federal law prohibits cultivation, transportation, and use of marijuana. Therefore, possessing marijuana in states where it has not been legalized is a punishable offense – from fine to prison sentence depending on the amount of substance found.

In states where the use of marijuana has been legalized, only marijuana doctors and licensed dispensaries are permitted to sell marijuana. Consumers are restricted by law to purchase a certain amount of cannabis indica (marijuana) from a licensed dispensary.

The pros and cons of medical marijuana

The benefits of medical marijuana have been documented over the years. Although, more research is still required to get a robust knowledge of the benefits of medical marijuana use. Unfortunately, here in the U.S; research on the plant has proven difficult because of the ban on it. Some of the popular benefits are yet to be supported by scientific research.

Pros of medical marijuana use

Pain reliever

Marijuana is widely known as a pain relief agent. Health practitioners successfully use the plant to treat people suffering from chronic pain. It is a safer chronic pain drug compared to some options such as opioid-based pain reliever drugs. Unlike Opioids, Marijuana use does not cause dependency in users except in cases of prolonged and uncontrolled use.

Alleviates anxiety

When taken in low doses, Marijuana helps people experiencing anxiety attacks. This effect is possible because of the sedative effect of marijuana. The THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) component of the plant has a ‘high’ effect on the body. The outcome is a relaxed and relieved feeling, which makes the user calm and aware.

Aids epilepsy

Several clinical reports, lab studies, and patient-drug use report show that marijuana helps manage epileptic seizures. One famous case is Charlotte Figi – an eight-year-old girl with Dravet syndrome, a rare form of aggressive epilepsy. She was treated with medical marijuana, and the results were outstanding. In Charlotte’s case, the results recorded after using marijuana wasn’t produced by other drugs.

Relieves nausea and vomiting

Research has shown that pharmaceutical marijuana reduces nausea and vomiting. This effect is helpful when used by patients going through treatments (chemotherapy) that induce nausea. Marijuana reduces nausea and eliminates vomiting.

Reduces muscle spasms caused by Parkinson

Recent studies have found marijuana’s components to be effective in treating muscle spasms caused by Parkinson. Patients who used marijuana experienced reduced spasms.

Slows cancer growth

A chemical found in marijuana, CBD; was found to slow the growth of cancer cells from one of the most serious brain tumors. CBD turns off the production of gene Id-1 in cancer cells. Cancerous cells release this gene to replicate throughout the body.

Help to treat Glaucoma

A 1972 research by the National Eye Institute found that marijuana helped glaucoma patients. The plant reduces the intraocular pressure of the eye, which is the main symptom of the condition. Glaucoma is an eye condition that increases pressure in the eyeball. It damages the optic nerve and can cause loss of vision.

There are more benefits of medical marijuana use, but some of these benefits have not been confirmed by scientific research.

Cons of Medical Marijuana

Affects memory and body movement

The ‘high’ effect of marijuana affects the brain’s short-term memory and body control. This effect has been documented in user studies and is considered a disadvantage of using the plant for treatment. Although, a decline in short-term memory occurs in people who make use of the plant regularly for a long time.

Cancer risk due to consumption method

The cancer danger medical marijuana possesses is a result of the method of consumption, not the plant. Consuming medical marijuana by smoking increases the risk of cancer and other respiratory diseases says many orlando marijuana doctors. The risk is as a result of smoke inhalation not the use of marijuana.

Risk of abuse and addiction

Although not as potent as opioids, marijuana can be addictive. This can happen when it is used for a long time. The user might become dependent on the plant for relief or whatever purpose.

The risk of abuse is present in the use of medical marijuana. As a plant with brain-stimulating effect (high effect), users might consume large quantities to get a high effect. This has been the case with over-the-counter medicines that have a ‘high’ effect. So it is expected that consumers can abuse marijuana as well.

Mental illness

The possible mental issues that can result from the consumption of marijuana range from psychosis, depression, schizophrenia, anxiety to paranoia.

Certain factors determine the effect of marijuana on the consumer. Factors such as the strength of the marijuana (the strain), volume consumed, the consumer’s mental health, consumer’s history with marijuana, and the consumers use intent (as a patient or for recreation).

Bearing these factors in mind, lawmakers passed bills that obligate potential consumers to receive clearance from a medical marijuana doctor. MMJ (Medical marijuana) doctors provide medical marijuana examination to ascertain if an individual is a valid patient that can benefit from the effects of marijuana.

If you or a loved one is interested in seeing a marijuana doctor in Florida, please contact our offices today!

February 12, 2019

Common Conditions Prescribed Using Medical Marijuana

Common Conditions Prescribed Using Medical Marijuana For Florida Patients

 The legal use of marijuana for medical purposes was approved in over more than 29 states. this information was made available by Vox. That gives more treatment options to a wide range of people suffering from common health problems. Little negative impact on life has been the case even in a state where recreational pot is legal. To this end, so many people and even politicians are giving a looking to marijuana as an affordable and safer option with the cost of prescription drug reaching unprecedented levels.

 If you have been diagnosed with one of the following, the treatment option you need might be medical marijuana on the recommendation of one of many orlando marijuana doctors.


 According to the American Cancer Society, patient in chemotherapy benefits from marijuana as a treatment for treatment for nausea and vomiting. It was also noted by ACS of the use of the drug as a pain reliever. Users may experience lung pain and shortness of breath when smoked. Marijuana oil suffices as the best treatment option.


In line with the list of legal marijuana treatments available on Leafly, not less than ten states in the U.S permit patients of Alzheimer to use marijuana. The drug helps with insomnia, aggression, depression, etc., according to studies. With the help of a marijuana doctor, you can get a recommendation on how your condition could best be treated using medical marijuana.

Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)

At least 17 states approved the use of substances derived from marijuana as a treatment option for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) as of spring 2018; it is commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. With studies, drug reducing symptoms of ALS patients have been shown.

 According to other studies, there is a delay in the progress of the disease in animals without many clinical trials says a few jacksonville marijuana doctors.

Chronic pains

Almost in all states where marijuana is used as a legal treatment option makes the drug available for the management of chronic pain. The same can be said for terminal illnesses, including the end-stages of diseases.

 Since 2015, Minnesota has approved the use of Marijuana for medical use. It was recorded that 60% of patients did agree that they would benefit highly from using the drug. On a remarkable note, 63% is of the opinion they eliminated or reduced opioid dosages after the use of marijuana.

 In the state of Florida, once the marijuana doctor is able to determine your chronic condition fulfils the Department of Health requirements for Florida medical marijuana use, a recommendation is made, establishing a care that works for you.


Canada offers help for patients suffering joint condition even as at least 15 states allow treatment of arthritis with medical marijuana. Marijuana has long been a viable option for people suffering from arthritis since 2001, and up to two-thirds of medical cannabis users in Canada use it for treating the symptoms.


Post-traumatic stress disorder was added to the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana in New York as of November 2017. The treatment is available to only military veteran, survivors of domestic violence and first responders.

 Crohn’s Disease

 There are several TV advertisements about treatment of Crohn’s disease using prescription drugs. However medical marijuana is a safer alternative. 22 states listed Crohn’s disease as a condition that can be treated with marijuana as of March 2018.

Need recommendation on medical marijuana? All Natural Medical Solutions can help in that regard for the right prescription for your illness. Our Marijuana doctor will evaluate to determine if medical marijuana will benefit you.

If you or a loved one is interested in getting certified for medical marijuana in Florida, please contact our offices today or apply online!


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250



All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.