January 5, 2020

Does Marijuana Help With Treating Anxiety and Depression

It is difficult to answer this question as whether or not marijuana is effective in treatment of anxiety and depression. Follow up to find out. Depression and anxiety Despite the fact that minimal research has been carried out on marijuana and anxiety, there exist a rule of thumb on its use to treat anxiety. It is with noting that cannabidiol, a compound of marijuana helps with bringing about relaxation. In people with high levels of anxiety, it is advised that they use strains with higher CBD but lower CBD or rather high CBD and THC. Strains such as Granddaddy Purple have been reported to to be effective in lowering anxiety. The way of consumption of marijuana determine how fast one experiences the effects. While smoking marijuana, one experiences effects instantly while ingestion will be associated with delayed effects taking half an hour or so. Generally, CBD has been observed to relieve social anxiety during public speaking. However, marijuana consumption comes with it’s own risks. Risk and effects of using marijuana
  • Increased need
There is a possibility of one developing tolerance to marijuana. What does this suggest? It means that the more often one uses it, the more they will have the urge to get the ‘high’ feeling brought about by use of marijuana. Therefore, it creates more problems of dependency.
  • Memory loss in the long term
Often, memory loss is caused by the compound known as THC which happen to tamper with a certain region of the brain. That area is called hippocampus and is responsible for forming of memories. In addition, use of marijuana could have negative effects on the motivation system of the brain which is not a thing to look forward to.
  • Increased levels of Psychiatric Disorder
To begin with, use of marijuana for extended periods tend to have greater symptoms of depression irrespective of the improvement they might have obtained in the course of short term use. In addition to that, high doses of marijuana could negatively affect teenage girls by increasing rates of both depression and anxiety in them in future years. Also, specific individuals could suffer the risk of development of psychosis due to the use of marijuana.
  • Psychological dependence
Use of marijuana on frequent occasions could cause one to be psychologically dependent on its use.
  • Symptoms exacerbation
Notably, THC have the ability of raising one’s heart rate. This means that if the intention was to treat anxiety, then one becomes even more anxious. Notably, marijuana could induce orthostatic hypertension which is a sudden drop in the level of blood pressure while one is standing this bringing about a faint feeling. More marijuana could make an anxious person to feel more paranoid. Other effects causes by marijuana include nausea, dizziness, confusion as well as blurred vision which when combined will overally to result to more anxiety. Alternative methods of treating anxiety
  1. Alternative medication
There exist alternative ways of treating anxiety. They include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors commonly known as SSRIs.
  1. Therapy
This could be by visit help programs that specialize in anxiety elimination and empowerment of oneself. If you happen to be located at a place where recreational marijuana has been legalized, you can go ahead and use it but keep in mind that you could be working on increament of your anxiety rather than decreasing it. Maybe you could end up less stressed or even happy. Depression and marijuana To begin with, it is worth to note that marijuana use for treatment of depression is still under investigation on whether it is credible enough. We could rather say that the investigation is still in it’s early stages. Notably, researchers claim that marijuana confer benefits to patients where it assists in restoration of the normal way of operation of the body including mood stabilization. That is is achieved by the help of the endocannabinoid function of marijuana. What does researchers say? There exist scientists that have been looking at marijuana with a perspective that it helps to treat depression resulting from chronic stress. Those are the Scientists at the University of Buffalo. They have paying much attention to specifically brain chemicals commonly known as endocannabinoids. They happen to be chemical compounds that are naturally produced. Often, they perform actions such as cognitive behaviors as well as emotions and motor control. Notably, they contains similar chemical compounds as to those of marijuana constituents. Investigation was not carried out on humans but animals and they found out that chronic stress may alter with the production of endocannabinoid by the brain. This could possibly result to depression. Therefore, consumption of marijuana may assist in restoration of the normal levels as well as functions and his easing the symptoms brought about by depression. Research was carried out to study people that had used marijuana to treat chronic pain and 71 percent of them were reported to have no significant side effects while 6 percent suffered cough as well as throat irritation. Notably, there is no clear evidence that marijuana use leads to depression. However, there I could be a link between the two. This is because heavy users of marijuana have been reported to have medical conditions such as depression more often as compared to non-smokers. In addition, marijuana has been linked other mental conditions such as psychosis and schizophrenia. Psychosis happens to be a very serious mental disorder that is characterized by a detachment from reality. It’s symptoms include delusions and hallucinations.  However, more studies ought to be carried out to assess whether or not marijuana advantages outweigh disadvantages. Also, researchers ought to figure out whether cannabinoid could give mood boosting benefits without resulting to drug dependency. That way, it will be safe to advocate for or be against the use of marijuana in treatment of depression. Risk involved in the process of consuming marijuana
  • Side effects brought up from using of marijuana may depend on the method of consumption that one chooses.
  • Views on whether marijuana will cause or eradicate depression are mixed.
  • The use of marijuana may trigger psychosis as well as schizophrenia in people that suffer a high risk of these conditions.
Alternative treatments for depression. Often, treatments vary depending on the severity of one’s case. It is possible to treat or rather manage mild, moderate as well as severe depression. Mild depression may respond well to psychosocial treatments such as psychotherapy. In most cases, drugs fail to be a recommendation for treatment of mild cases of depression. Psychological treatment such as interpersonal or behavior psychotherapy happen to be a good way of treatment for people suffering from moderate as well as severe depression. On the other hand, antidepressants are an alternative way of treating severe depression. Examples of antidepressants include selective serotonin, tricyclic antidepressants as well as reuptake inhibitors. Notably, depressants should be used with much caution in both children and teenagers that may happen to suffer from depression. Helpful tips for coping with depression While suffering from depression, one ought to visit a doctor so that they can develop a treatment plan. Once established, patients may go ahead and take further steps at home so that they can cope with depression. Some of those tips are listed below.
  1. Start journaling
Notably, this could be a healthy outlet for one to not only openly but also honestly do away with sad feelings, fear as well as anger.
  1. Attempt elimination of extra responsibilities or rather stressors
This tip will assist one in giving themselves room to have a breather at times when they may feet not okay.
  1. Ensure that your days get to be more structured
One should make sure that they add structure to their day. This could be by going that extra mile of setting up a reminder so that they may avoid to miss from attending to events that would term them as irresponsible upon failure to attending to them.
  1. Consult groups that will assist in boosting of your mental health
Such groups may include church, employer, friends or generally an assistance program. Surrounding oneself with such people may help in elimination of depression from one’s life. Be sure to check out on program such as the National Alliance on Mental illness as they may be of great alternative assistance. Also people with depression should consider visiting a group known as Bipolar Support Alliance for assistance.
  1. Discover fun ways to engage in so as to overcome depression
Life is never that serious. You could solve your problems of depression by simply taking some time to meditate, taking a walk as well as engaging themselves in yoga.
  1. Avoid isolation of oneself
Despite the fact that it could prove to be difficult especially if one is an introvert, avoiding isolation might be life changing for people living with depression. This is because having a support network around one has more benefits that disadvantages. Despite the fact that the research field appear more promising in carrying out searches more investigation should be done to assess whether medical marijuana is an effective way of treating depression. Do you happen to be a depressed person living in an marijuana legalized region and want to try it to eliminate depression? Well, u can go ahead and consult your doctor. You could be lucky to work with them to determine if marijuana is the ultimate option of prescription to your case. The doctor may also suggest alternative ways of treating your depression and together you may come up with a good approach of eliminating it.
January 3, 2020

Does Medical Marijuana Help Treat Chronic Back Pain

Back pain can affect anyone and it is more troublesome than arthritis. When someone gets back pain, he tries to find a cure to alleviate pain. Well, a significant ratio of people is going for Medical Marijuana for the treatment of back pain. According to an estimate about 60 to 70 percent of the population in industrial countries get back pain every year. At the initial stage, back pain brings some symptoms like muscle spasms, pain, inflammation, and nausea or vomiting. Well, in this article, we are going to know if it is useful for back pain or not?

Reasons for Back Pain?

Back pain is common in the average population around the world, especially in industrial countries. The back pain continues for less than three months is declared to be acute pain. However, the back pain that lasts for more than three months is reported to be chronic pain. The most common type of back pain is pain without compressed nerve or mechanical back pain.

There are following common reasons for back pain: – 

  • Trapped nerves 
  • Slipped Discs
  • Stress
  • Aging
  • Bad posture
  • Daily wear and tear
  • Slips and falls
  • Sport-related injuries
  • Sciatica 
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis 

 Most of the people think that surgery is the last option to cure back pain. But, try using Medical Marijuana. 

How Does Medical Marijuana help with Chronic Back Pain? 

Medical Marijuana is the preferred treatment for patients with chronic back pain. Well, it does not mean that conventional treatments are not suitable for the cure for back pain. Because these treatments come with many other side effects like stomach problems, gastric problems, ulcers, and nausea. So, according to medical marijuana doctors, the use of medical marijuana can be an effective alternative to other medications. It is more effective because it has not much associated side effects. It helps you to cure back pain by different ways: – 

First of all, it eliminates the need of dangerous drugs for the cure of back pain. It reduces your back pain and makes you more active. Back pain also brings insomnia, depression, and anxiety with it, but Medical Marijuana can cure it too. It gives them peace of mind and allows you to live better lives. According to ASAF, natural Marijuana contains a high amount of cannabinoids as compared to synthetic Marinol. It gives more therapeutic benefits to the patients. 

The cannabinoid THC plays a significant role in curing back pain because it is more psychologically active. So, the combination of THC with other cannabinoids instantly controls the pain. Thus, Medical Marijuana helps to manage chronic back pain and neck pain. It also controls nausea that can be due to narcotic pain, opioids, and other pain reliever drugs. The inhaling of Medical Marijuana leads to effective absorption and fewer problems. 

Where can you buy Medical Marijuana in Florida?

To get medical marijuana in Florida is very easy. For this purpose, first of all, you have to get the medicinal card so that you can get access to the state-approved dispensaries in Florida. You can get medical marijuana in Florida from over 100 statewide license companies. Finally, you need the state-approved card then get proof that you get it from a licensed store. There are many medical marijuana doctors in Florida including FloridasMedicalMarijuana.com.

December 31, 2019

Does Medical Marijuana Cannabis Treat Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is an extremely painful and difficult condition to live with.  The near constant pain and discomfort that is experienced by those who suffer from arthritis has a significant impact on quality of life. Patients often spend a great deal of time and even money looking for relief.  There are a number of remedies available, some more effective than others. There is increasing attention being given to the ways that medical marijuana can be used to reduce pain and deal with the symptoms of arthritis.  For many patients it proves to be a natural way to manage their pain that doesn’t have a lot of the side-effects of other medications, particularly opiates.  In fact, in light of the current epidemic of opioid addiction, there are many marijuana doctors who advocate for increasing the use of marijuana in different forms to treat painful and chronic conditions like arthritis. Marijuana is also considered a natural way to deal with pain that has fewer side effects than other medication. In this article we will explore what arthritis is and how it can be treated with medical marijuana. 

What is Arthritis?

According to the Mayo Clinic, as defined on the clinic’s website, “Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.”  The pain associated with osteoarthritis is caused by the breakdown of the cartilage which cushions bones. How to get a medical weed in florida. The pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the body’s immune system attacking the joints. Both types are painful and require treatment to manage pain and help patients a quality of life. 

How is Arthritis Managed?

There are a number of ways that the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis is treated.  Many treatment options are not medications. They include simple things like resting and getting enough sleep, heating pads, cold compresses, ice packs, exercises, tai chi, and yoga. Occupational and physical therapy can help keep joints limber and prevent stiffness.  Hydrotherapy, stretching, massage, and acupuncture can also help. Sometimes surgery helps to correct joint damage and replace cartilage that has been broken down. How to get medical marijuana in florida. A number of different drugs are prescribed for patients.  These include over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen, motrin, and ibuprofen, as well as opioids like OcyContin or hydrocodone. Well there are a number of marijuana treatments for arthritis, many patients find that marijuana or CBD oil is a highly effective tool for pain management. In fact, there is now a growing number of marijuana doctors who are happy to prescribe it for their patients in states where it has been legalized for medicinal use.   

How Does Marijuana Treat Arthritis?

To begin with, marijuana is a plant (cannabis sativa) that contains a number of different chemicals.  Many of them do affect you when smoked, ingested or applied topically to the skin. THC, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD, or cannabidiol, are probably the best known of them. Each of them helps with chronic pain but in different ways. The endocannabinoid system is basically a communication structure made up of brain cells or neurons that send chemical messages, known as neurotransmitters. THC disrupts this communication which inhibits pain receptors and it also floods the brain with dopamine. That dopamine is responsible for the “high” that is experienced by people who use marijuana. Much like other opioids, it allows pain to fade into the background of a pleasurable buzz. CBD oil, on the other hand, does not produce a “high”. Like THC, it does affect the endocannabinoid system. It can activate some of the neurotransmitters in your brain and inhibit other neurotransmitters. One example of this is anandamide, which is a compound known to be responsible or regulating pain. CBD oil increases production of anandamide and thus reduces pain. It is also thought that CBD oil calms inflammation of the brain and nervous system. This is beneficial to people who are suffering from immune-system responses such as rheumatoid arthritis. It also helps reduce pain and ease insomnia. 

Is Marijuana the Right Treatment for Your Arthritis? 

There are a number of methods for using marijuana as a way to treat pain associated with arthritis.  Smoking it in the form of a joint is a popular one. Today ingesting edible pot that has been baked into treats like brownies or cookies or incorporated into candy is a popular way to consume it. It can also be ingested in a capsule form or brewed in a tea. Creams, oils and tinctures that can be applied topically are also growing increasingly popular as a tool of pain management. Which method of delivery is best will vary depending on your type of arthritis, level of pain, and, of course, your own individual taste.  It is always smart to consult a marijuana doctor or other trained medical expert who understands the different strains of marijuana and how they will affect you. We will end on one note of caution. Marijuana has been widely used both recreationally and medicinally for many years but, until recently, it has been illegal and has not been widely studied by doctors and researchers.  Early studies do suggest that it can be helpful in reducing chronic pain. More scientific study is needed to ascertain the best ways to use marijuana for pain relief. Also, further research is needed in order to be ascertain how it interacts with other drugs that arthritis patients may be taking (eg. medicine for blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and other chronic conditions). Again, it is wise to consult with a marijuana doctor or other medical expert on the best way to use it for pain relief.


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250



All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.