December 16, 2019

Why Do Patients Prefer Medical Marijuana Instead of Prescription Drugs

Medicinal marijuana recommended by marijuana doctors evidently gives numerous medical advantages to patients both youthful and old. As regular techniques and physician endorsed drugs have neglected to treat or reduce crippling ailments, low-THC cannabis and medicinal marijuana have demonstrated a powerful choice to furnish patients with a normally helpful other option. An investigation directed by the College of Michigan found that most patients liked to supplant their pharmaceuticals with restorative marijuana, with 44% of patients totally finishing their remedy use. The scientists likewise found that therapeutic cannabis clients detailed a more prominent level of utilization of medicinal cannabis and a more prominent level of trust in restorative cannabis contrasted with standard human services. In contrast with pharmaceutical medications, therapeutic cannabis clients evaluated cannabis better on viability, symptoms, security, addictiveness, accessibility, and cost. Here are the main seven reasons why medical marijuana is more advantageous to use than doctor prescribed medications:
  1. Replaces the harmful drugs
Did you realize that narcotics can possibly seriously harm your basic organs over delayed use? Moreover, it can add to habit as the body turns out to be increasingly more tolerant of the medication or even outcome in an overdose. Patients with extreme torment don’t have numerous choices. With more grounded painkilling capacities comes conceivable organ harm, resilience, and habit. Cannabis drug fills in as a sheltered swap for narcotics without the danger of overdosing. It is amazingly far-fetched that you could ever ingest or smoke enough marijuana in a brief period to really overdose (you would need to expend around 1,500 pounds in a short time.)
  1. Less side effects
While all prescriptions have symptoms, some can cause more mischief than others. Certain physician recommended medications can cause impacts like organ harm or fixation. Medicinal marijuana has symptoms, as well, yet they don’t bring about long haul harm and can frequently leave when the measurements are balanced.
  1. Benefits for serious illness
Indeed, even the absolute most advantageous individuals start to manage interminable conditions as they age. As we get more established, we become progressively powerless to medical issues that have side effects that are hard to oversee. Luckily, medicinal marijuana can help with Alzheimer’s, dementia, osteoporosis, ceaseless torment, joint inflammation, glaucoma and different illnesses that numerous older individuals experience the ill effects of.
  1. Simple to adjust your dose by marijuana doctor
As a rule the drug accessible to you is directed by your protection, your primary care physician and your resilience to certain symptoms. There might be times when none of the drugs are working for you and there are no different choices. Additionally, when you change or quit taking a medication, you need to ween yourself off or on your measurement before doing the switch. Notwithstanding, cannabis arrives in an assortment of measurements and details that patients can undoubtedly give a shot without stressing over withdrawal impacts. On the off chance that therapeutic marijuana quiet encounters reactions, for example, suspicion or expanded exhaustion, their primary marijuana doctor can without much of a stretch lessen the measurement level to an ideal choice for the patient.
  1. Multi Manifestation of Medical Marijuana
It doesn’t make a difference on the off chance that you have one ailment/illness or numerous, it can take different physician recommended meds to completely address the entirety of your side effects. Dealing with different meds can without much of a stretch become costly and will make them race to the drug store every now and again. With medicinal marijuana, you can without much of a stretch location numerous diseases, from malignant growth to epilepsy. One-stop at the dispensary lets you get an across the board answer for a large number of your medical issues.
  1. Different ways of intake
Physician recommended tranquilizes normally just arrive in a couple of structures and don’t generally have elective alternatives accessible. In any case, while marijuana viably treats numerous sicknesses, it can likewise be expended from various perspectives. On the off chance that a patient leans towards not to smoke, there are containers, oils, and even edibles accessible just as numerous different other options.
  1. A treatment for individual
Medical marijuana doesn’t simply offer an elective medication — it additionally includes a humane social insurance experience. Since medicinal marijuana is so adaptable and every individual is one of a kind, doctors work one-on-one with you. They take a gander at your particular afflictions and figure out what might fill in as the most ideal approach to allow cannabis, particularly if your capacity to devour the prescription in specific manners is constrained. Conclusion There is an expanding measure of proof that demonstrates medicinal marijuana is utilized similarly as adequately as narcotics while treating constant torment. The adequacy of utilizing medicinal marijuana to oversee torment is expected to the endocannabinoid properties found in the plant, which is thought to assume a key job in how the body directs and oversees torment. As research proceeds, the flow discoveries are great markers that restorative marijuana holds the possibility to keep bringing down narcotic use. Patients can utilize marijuana as an enhancement to their physician recommended drugs or as an all-out substitution. Obviously, before you settle on a choice with respect to any sort of medication, counsel your primary marijuana doctor first. Thanks for reading!
December 11, 2019

Can Medical Marijuana Help Treat Spinal And Cervical Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis is narrowing of the spinal column that causes pressure on the spinal cord, or narrowing of the openings (called neural foramina) where spinal nerves leave the spinal column. Basically, we have different causes for the pressure and truthfully the goal of a certain medication is to reduce back pain relief, also weak abdominals or core muscles contribute to back pain (stenosis). Another definition for spinal stenosis is a situation in which the person in question suffers experiences resulting from narrowing of the spinal also people who suffer stenosis may suffer from either low back pain or pain in the buttocks area or feel the pain when they walk or stand, in extreme cases we can have weakness in their legs. Before we go to into talking about the topic, we would like to know what MEDICAL MARIJUANA is and what it is components. Medical marijuana uses plants or chemicals in it to treat diseases and conditions now it contains about 100 chemicals called cannabis each one has different effect on the body tetrahydrocannibol (THC) which make people feel high but then it can be used for medical purposes. Medical marijuana is legal in several states and can provide benefits for people with a wide variety of medical issues. A doctor can prescribe cannabis (the medical name for marijuana) for different conditions. Most commonly, cannabis is prescribed for the relief of extreme pain. It can also increase appetite in chemotherapy patients who struggle with nausea. Overall, medical marijuana has a positive effect on society, because it gives doctors another tool for helping patients. Cannabis is a natural medicine that can help alleviate the symptoms of several different medical problems. It can treat conditions that occur often and affect many people, as well as the symptoms associated with serious, life threatening illnesses. One of the general issues that medical cannabis can help with is chronic pain, especially back pain (stenosis) Now marijuana doctors in Florida had to deal with proposed amendment which allows the use of medical marijuana for variety of illness including other conditions which includes the medical use of marijuana will outweigh the potential health risk for patient.


Use of marijuana for chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and spasticity due to multiple sclerosis is supported by high-quality evidence. Six trials that included 325 patients examined chronic pain, 6 trials that included 396 patients investigated neuropathic pain, and 12 trials that included 1600 patients focused on multiple sclerosis. Several of these trials had positive results, suggesting that marijuana or cannabinoids may be efficacious for these indications.

Medical marijuana is used to treat a host of indications, a few of which have evidence to support treatment with marijuana and many that do not. Physicians should educate patients about medical marijuana to ensure that it is used appropriately and that patients will benefit from its use.

Pharmacology of Marijuana

Marijuana comprises more than 60 pharmacologically active cannabinoids.9 Both exogenous ligands, such as the cannabinoids from marijuana, and endogenous ligands or endocannabinoids, such as anandamide and 2-arachidonylglycerol, act on cannabinoid receptors located throughout the body but mostly in the brain and spinal cord.10 Activation of 2 types of G protein–coupled receptors, CB1 and CB2, exerts multiple actions by directly inhibiting the release of multiple neurotransmitters including acetylcholine, dopamine, and glutamate while indirectly affecting γ-aminobutyric acid, N-methyl-D-aspartate, opioid, and serotonin receptors.11 CB1 receptors are concentrated primarily in the basal ganglia, cerebellum, hippocampus, association cortices, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves and CB2 receptors are found mainly on cells in the immune system, which may in part explain cannabinoids’ effects on pain and inflammation. The physiological responses that result from cannabinoid receptor activation are euphoria, psychosis, impaired memory and cognition, reduced locomotor function, increased appetite, and antiemetic, painrelieving, antispasticity, and sleep-promoting effects.

3 The primary cannabinoids contained in marijuana are Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol. THC produces the euphoria that comes from using marijuana, but it also can produce psychosis. Cannabidiol is not psychoactive and is thought to have anti-anxiety and possibly antipsychotic effects as well.12,13 Marijuana’s therapeutic effects depend on the concentration of THC in a given formulation as well as the ratio of THC to cannabidiol because of cannabidiol’s ability to mitigate the psychoactive effects of THC. As a result, the THC-cannabidiol ratio for many strains of marijuana has been engineered to achieve desired effects.


From our details in the above write up we can rightly say that marijuana can be used to treat stenosis both for cervical and spinal stenosis. Get Started Today.

December 9, 2019

How Does Medical Marijuana Treat Diabetic Neuropathy Pain

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic neuropathy as the name says, is a type of illness that occurs to diabetic patients. It is a type of nerve damage that occurs because of high blood glucose. High blood glucose can damage nerves throughout the patient’s body. More often than not, diabetic neuropathy damages nerves of patient’s legs and feet. It is considered one of the most devitalizing and impending diabetes complications. Diabetic neuropathy causes immense pain, discomfort and disability. 

There is no successful treatment for the discomfort and pain caused by diabetic neuropathy. However, Marijuana Doctors recommend medical marijuana to help patients get some relief from debilitating symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.

Types of Diabetic Neuropathy

According to Florida marijuana doctor, there are four major types of Diabetic Neuropathy, these are: 

Peripheral Neuropathy: It is the most common type of diabetic neuropathy that typically affects your legs and feet. Besides, peripheral neuropathy can also impact your hands and arms. It can range from mild to severe.

Autonomic Neuropathy: It is a group of symptoms occurs when the nerves (which manage every day body functions) of the patients get affected. These functions include blood pressure, cardiovascular, sweating, heart rate, digestion, bowel and bladder emptying, etc. 

Proximal Neuropathy: This is however, less common type, which is also called diabetic amyotrophic. More often than not, older patients with type 2 diabetes tend to develop this type of diabetic neuropathy. 

Focal Neuropathy: It is also called mono-neuropathy. It usually occurs when a group of nerves or a specific nerve suffers damage, thereby making the affected area become weak. This type often affects one’s upper body, head and legs. 

Besides other treatments for diabetic neuropathy, medical marijuana or medical cannabis is also prescribed by marijuana doctors to their patients. Research shows that medical marijuana is used to provide aid in many medical conditions, such as reducing nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, for improving appetite in people with HIV/AIDS, and reducing chronic pain and muscle spasms in diabetic neuropathy. 

Diabetic neuropathy pain can significantly affect patients’ quality of life. Because of acute pain and discomfort, people with diabetic neuropathy eventually lack interest in all forms of enjoyment in life, recreational activities, sleep, routine work, social activities, etc. They even feel a lack of energy levels due to which they feel depressed and anxious. 

Medical Marijuana Treat Diabetic Neuropathy Pain – How?

The use of marijuana as medicine has not thoroughly been tested because of the production and governmental restrictions; however, Florida marijuana doctor suggests that medical marijuana is a helpful anti-inflammatory therapy as it does not have any side effects as steroids has. 

Furthermore, marijuana doctors suggests that cannabis or cannabinoids are of great use in case of arterial inflammation that occurs during a diabetic’s life. Also, medical marijuana helps protect nerve covering from inflammatory attacks that are caused by glycoproteins in the blood. Using medical marijuana helps patients to get rid of Anxiety, Burning, Depression, Pain, Tingling etc. that occurs due to diabetic neuropathy.

Well, now we know that medical marijuana can be used to treat diabetic neuropathy pain, but the question is how to use medical marijuana.

There are 5 Effective and Smoke-Free Ways to Use Medical Marijuana. These are: 

  1. Inhalation 

When marijuana is inhaled through smoking, the lungs absorb cannabinoids and quickly transport them to the bloodstream. However, it has shorter effects.  There are 3-D Printed medical marijuana Inhalers in the market, these inhalers are pocket-sized. Patients with diabetic neuropathy can use 3-D inhaler for effective results, even it allows marijuana doctors to prescribe the proper dose of medical marijuana to patients. These inhalers dispense controlled doses and are totally smoke-free. 

3-D inhalation of medical marijuana can help patients get rid of acute pain, along with neurological and psychological symptoms. 

  1. Marijuana Gum 

A marijuana gum, is under development, it will be able to help patients’ combat gastroenterological disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is common in autonomic neuropathy. Marijuana gum will focus on delivering a controlled dose of Cannabis effectively and rapidly in a highly bio-available form.

  1. Transdermal Patches 

Transdermal patches are very common form of using medical marijuana. Transdermal patches contain both THC and CBD, and the ratio or the dosage varies from case to case depending upon the severity of diabetic neuropathy pain. The sole purpose of these patches is to deliver cannabis to the patient through the skin and into the bloodstream, without having to smoke. 

  1. Suppositories 

Another very common method of delivering medical cannabis is – Suppositories. Even Florida marijuana doctor advocates its use. Marijuana doctors claim that suppositories are more effective than any other method of using cannabis, as, suppositories provide better and rapid absorption of cannabis than any other delivery method. In this method, marijuana is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in the rectum. 

  1. Nebulizers 

Finally, another method of delivering cannabis is – Cannabis Nebulizers. It is said to be the cleanest, purest, and least harmful method of delivering medical marijuana to the patient. It comes in a kit that includes six therapeutic-grade cannabinoid-extract blends, thereby providing effective treatment in diabetic neuropathy pain.


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250


All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.