Can Marijuana Help With The Treating of Diabetes
The controversy surrounding the legalization of recreational marijuana has consistently dominated the news. As the debate rages across different states, the research on the usefulness of medical marijuana continues. After many tests, the FDA approved the use of marijuana in the treatment of epilepsy. This single action marked a watershed moment for legitimizing more ingredients for the treatment of other diseases. As the research continues, the pressure to legalize more forms of medical marijuana continues to gain pace across the country.
Marijuana and Diabetes
One of the most intense and pressing issues remains the role of the drug in the treatment of diabetes. The rates of diabetes have sored high causing desperation and panic for a better solution. People living with diabetes are among the most active advocates for the legalization of medical marijuana. For this reason, marijuana doctors in Florida have made immense progress in testing the drug with impeccable results. Today, millions of people are suffering from the disease and are faced with high costs for healthcare. This is one of the most expensive medical solutions to the disease, and many people suffer the consequences of the inability to sustain and fund the treatment.
Desperation for change
Since the disease is one of the most prevalent, and most complex to manage, there is an urgent need for a variety of solutions to the problem. The Center for Disease Control reports that at least 100 million American adults live with the condition or a pre-condition. According to CDC reports, an estimated 8% of adults around the world are affected. These rates have shot higher over the past 30 years to twice as many people. The most disturbing fact is that the rates are expected to spread faster in developing countries too. Diabetes is now responsible for multiple numbers of early deaths apart from other chronic issues such as blindness, kidney failure, stroke, lower limb amputation, and heart attacks.
The cost of Treatment
The burden of the disease goes beyond the patients onto the family and loved ones. There is a profound effect on the people taking care of the patients as the costs increase hence placing a strain on the family, as is the case on the healthcare system. Today, the U.S healthcare system is pressed with sustaining the high costs of treatment, according to the American Diabetes Association. The cost of treatment is not less than USD 327 billion. 27% of the cost was attributed to reduced productivity, according to the statistics. This translates to 25% of the American budget allocation towards healthcare.
The deadly disease is not only costly, but debilitating, and deadly. The need for alternative solutions is a necessity. Preventing the disease is a better solution than treating the myriad of symptoms, which inflate the costs of medical care and strain pharmaceutical industries. For this reason, the introduction of medical marijuana as a cheap but effective substitute has gained massive support from people across the country. Marijuana doctors are only among many other advocators of have proven the solution should be seriously considered by the government.
The Role of Cannabis
Arguably, Cannabis can achieve the following in persons affected with diabetes;
- It has anti-spasmodic agents, which help relieve muscle cramps and the pain of gastrointestinal disorders
- It yields neuroprotective effects responsible for thwarting inflammation of nerves and reduce the pain of neuropathy. This is made possible by activating receptors in the body and brain
- Cannabis is famed to act as a vasodilator. This means it can help keep blood vessels open and improve circulation
- It is a natural anti-inflammatory, meaning it may help quell some of the arterial inflammation common in diabetes
- Cannabis contributes to lower blood pressure over time, which is vital for diabetics management of the condition.
- It helps calm the diabetic Restless Leg Syndrome so that the patient can find sleep. In this case, the patients are advised to use a vaporizer or smoked cannabis to aid in falling asleep
- Marijuana may also be used to make topical creams. This helps relieve neuropathic pain especially the tingling in hands and feet
- Cannabis is also known to stabilize blood sugars. This claim has been confirmed using a large body of anecdotal evidence building among diabetes patients in America.
- By substituting cannabis butter and oil in foods, the person with diabetes can find benefits in cardiac and overall arterial health and wellness.
Guide on How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida
1. The first step to getting your MMJ ID card is to obtain your medical records and get a signed physician’s statement from a doctor who is registered in the state of Florida with the Medical Marijuana Use Registry. That doctor has to have a license as one of the certified medical marijuana in Florida.
Please note, to get a medical marijuana in Florida you MUST be a resident of the state. You will need to provide proof of residency, for example, a Florida I.D, passport or another photo I.D. If you are from another state it is possible to get a Florida medical card, but it is decided on a case by case basis, by Florida’s Department of Health.
2. Once you have met with a qualified physician and are deemed eligible to use medical marijuana, the physician then enters your name and information into the Marijuana Use Registry, which is run by the U.S. Department of Health. You will not be able to apply for your MMJ card until you are officially in the Registry.
- Applications can be submitted by your doctor, or you can submit them on your own behalf.
- You must be registered with the Compassionate Use Registry by their ordering physician.
3. Once you are in the registry, you can then submit a completed application to the Office of Medical Marijuana Use, or you can have your physician or a legal representative submit it on your behalf.
Interested in the benefits of medical marijuana? Please contact All Natural Medical Solutions Marijuana Doctors today at 8002506737 for a free consultation.