Can Marijuana Help Treat Symptoms of Acid Reflux
About one-third of Americans experience acid reflux at least once a month. Acid reflux is a common condition in which stomach acid flows backward up the esophagus (tube that connects the mouth to the stomach). It occurs when a ring of muscle at the bottom of the esophagus called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) doesn’t function properly. Normally, the LES remains closed except during swallowing. But in people with acid reflux, the LES becomes weak and relaxes, allowing acid and stomach contents to flow back up the esophagus.
Symptoms of acid reflux usually last for a few hours after a meal and then go away. They include heartburn, trouble swallowing, feeling that food is stuck in the throat, and a bitter or sour taste in the mouth.
If you experience acid reflux more than twice a week, it is a more serious condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. If left untreated, GERD can lead to problems such as inflammation of the esophagus and a precancerous condition called Barrett’s esophagus. Weather you’ve has abdominal surgery or not, medical marijuana is a great option for gastrointestinal issues.
Medical cannabis is a safe alternative to antacids to combat the symptoms of acid reflux and has many properties that can relieve pain and improve acid reflux. Many people don’t realize that antacid use can have long-term harmful consequences.
CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a useful treatment for people suffering from acid reflux.
Here are some of the symptoms of acid reflux that cannabis can help relieve:
- Burns and discomfort in the upper abdomen
Phytotherapy is known to relieve pain and has proven effective in treating severe abdominal pain. Chronic acid reflux often causes burning and pain in the chest and upper abdomen, as well as a sore throat. Stomach disorders can have a negative impact on your life. It is easy to become unable to enjoy social activities, lack of sleep, and have difficulty eating and drinking.
Many people with acid reflux have acid reflux or heartburn and feel things going down their throat. However, a very small percentage of people may experience “upper abdominal” pain even with acid reflux, just like people with ulcers.
Upper abdominal discomfort that may be helpful:
- The Afghan kush
- Granddaddy purple (indica).
- White Widow (indica)
Chronic and severe nausea can lead to a poor quality of life. Researchers have been studying cannabinoids and their effects on nausea for years, with a 1975 study concluding that certain THCs can suppress nausea. Chemotherapy patients have received THC or placebo during certain chemotherapy sessions. In most cases, 20 patients found relief from nausea after using a particular type of THC, but none of the placebo treatments relieved nausea. It has also been confirmed that CBD has antiemetic properties and is effective in relieving nausea and vomiting.
You can try these strains to treat any nausea you may experience:
- Lavender (hybrid)
- aurora borealis
- Super Lemon Haze.
- White Fire OG (Hybrid)
The Journal of the American Medical Association has published a study suggesting that in the case of acid reflux, it is not the acid that causes direct damage to the esophagus. Instead, the secretion of cytokines, a type of protein, causes an inflammatory response in the esophagus, and this inflammation causes damage.
In addition, cannabis has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation in the stomach.
- Stress and anxiety.
The medical pot can help you deal with factors that can exacerbate or trigger acid reflux symptoms, such as stress and anxiety. Using cannabis for medical purposes, as recommended by a cannabis doctor, can help relieve feelings of anxiety and overwhelming feelings. As a result, you may experience less stress and anxiety-related problems, such as upset stomach and nausea.
Studies have shown that mental health affects your gastrointestinal health. For example, studies of people who have had a gastrostomy have shown that anger increases stomach acid.
Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors would be responsible for regulating medical marijuana and it would also issue Florida Medical Marijuana Cards and develop procedures for treatment centers.
Once you’ve consulted with a medical marijuana doctor in your area they can give you a recommendation for medical marijuana both CBD and THC. They’ll also be there to answer any questions and to help you explore different medical pot options.
Can Marijuana Help Treat Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes?
The use of marijuana in the war against diseases and overall ill health has been a point of much debate over the years. There are many scientists and doctors that are in support of it but there are still a great many that are still not convinced. The presence of Medical Marijuana Doctors in Florida and other states shows that medicinal marijuana is gaining credibility. Of course, you will only be able to access medicinal marijuana in states such as Florida with a medical marijuana card.
One of the non-communicable diseases that research shows that marijuana is effective in treating is type 1 diabetes. This article will explore how medicinal marijuana can be helpful to those trying to treat or prevent type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes Explained
The American Diabetes Association has reported that approximately 34 million children and adults are living with Diabetes in the United States of America. This is a significant number and should not be taken lightly. Diabetes has been classified as being type 1 or type 2.
The Mayo Clinic states that Type 1 diabetes was once called juvenile diabetes. Another name for it is insulin-dependent diabetes. It is a chronic condition in which the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin or none at all. Insulin is critical in that it is the hormone necessary for sugar to enter cells. As this glucose enters cells, energy is produced.
Hereditary is one of the most spoken about factors when it comes to type 1 diabetes. There are also some viruses that can lead to an individual having diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is typically experienced by children and adolescence; however, it is possible for it to develop in adults.
While there are a number of ways to treat the symptoms of type 1 diabetes, such as the use of medicinal marijuana, there is no cure.
Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes
The evidence of type 1 diabetes has a tendency to appear with very short notice. These signs and symptoms include:
- An odd increase in thirst without increased activity to justify it
- A sharp spike in the frequency of urination
- Children may begin to wet the bed without a track record of bed-wetting in the night
- Extraordinary hunger is also a symptom of type 1 diabetes
- A reduction in weight without engaging in weight loss or weight control activities
- An onslaught of mood swings and being easily irritated
- Experiencing fatigue and weakness without engaging in activities to justify it
- Type 1 diabetes also produces blurred vision
If you have any of these symptoms, it would be a good idea to visit the doctor. It would also be wise to visit a medical marijuana doctor that is able to issue a medical marijuana card. These medical marijuana doctors can be found in Florida and in about thirty other states.
Can Marijuana Help?
A major report submitted by the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis suggested that marijuana can have amazing benefits for individuals who are struggling with diabetes. Some of these benefits are:
- Medical marijuana can stabilize blood sugar levels. This was later supported by a great number of anecdotal proof coming from diabetic individuals.
- This potent plant has anti-inflammatory benefits that can help to manage the arterial inflammation that comes along with diabetes.
- Marijuana has compounds that protect the nervous system. This helps patients with inflamed nerves. It also reduces the discomfort of neuropathy.
- Cannabis is known for its ability to suppress muscle spasms. This makes it a useful weapon in the war against muscle cramps and the negative impacts of gastrointestinal disorders.
- Medicinal marijuana has the ability to dilate blood vessels. This increases blood flow in the body.
- When administered and used appropriately, it lowers blood pressure over time. this is very helpful for people living with diabetes.
- Using marijuana butter and marijuana oil instead of the usual options can improve the health of your heart and arterial system.
- This can also be used as a topical cream. This is useful in tackling neuropathic pain and tingling.
- It alleviates the restless leg syndrome. This help people living with diabetes sleep better. If medicinal marijuana is placed in a vaporizer it can greatly enhance your ability to fall asleep.
Over the last decade, these proposed benefits have been further strengthened with greater evidence. Beyond the above, there are two other major things that indirectly benefit people living with diabetes. These benefits are also helpful in one’s effort of to prevent diabetes on a whole. Medicinal marijuana can help cut down your waist size and it improves insulin sensitivity.
Medicinal Marijuana and Waist Size
People who are living with a weight that above what their weight should be are much more vulnerable to diabetes. There is study that testifies to marijuana’s ability to prevent or reverse obesity and research to back that up. This ultimately reduces an individual’s risk of becoming a diabetic.
A group of 4657 people were observed in a research to see if this is true. The study proved that there is a relationship between cannabis use and waist size. Members of the study who used marijuana at the time of the study had a waist measurement of 1.5 inches less than other members of the study who did not. This gives credence to former research that postulates that there is less occurrence of diabetes among smokers of marijuana.
Medical Marijuana and Insulin Sensitivity
Your body’s ability to appropriately manage insulin is very important. When one has type 1 diabetes and is overweight, they usually have insulin resistance. There is research that proves that the use of marijuana can improve one’s sensitivity to insulin.
Scientists discovered from a significant study that the insulin levels among users that were fasting from food were 16% lower than those who abstained from marijuana. Insulin resistance sat at 17% lower among those who smoked medicinal marijuana.
Anything taken in greater an amount than is necessary is usually harmful. While medical marijuana is helpful in the fight against type 1 diabetes, it is still wise for it to be used in moderation. Florida medical marijuana doctors are able to issue to you the required medical marijuana cards. Coupled with this will be guidance on how to consume the marijuana for the best results. All Natural MD.