May 8, 2019

All Natural Medical Solutions Marijuana Doctors Opens In Jacksonville Florida

All Natural Medical Solutions Marijuana Doctors Opens In Jacksonville, Florida Since the legalization of Medical marijuana in 2016 after voters passed Amendment 2, the medical world has witnessed a couple of changes. Today, you can stroll down the streets of Florida dotted with ads for marijuana doctors on literally everything.  However, the above-mentioned amendment dictates the type of patients that qualify to use medical marijuana and who can sell it. All Natural Medical SolutionsJacksonville Marijuana Doctor is among the top medical practitioners that qualify to supply qualified patients with medical marijuana. Once only open to the residents in South Florida, we’ve finally managed to extend our services to Jacksonville. This extension allows us to reach patients in need of certified dispensaries manned by qualified and licensed doctors. Of course, the new location in Jacksonville marks many more that are to come, so as to cater to the ever-growing market. According to recent statistics, at least 200,000 patients have received medical marijuana cards this year alone. Among these patients, 50% of medical marijuana patients are over the age of 50. Once Amendment 2 was passed and approved, the law dictated that medical marijuana only be used by patients suffering from chronic conditions. For many seniors, shifting to medical marijuana to treat a chronic condition allows them to get off opiates, which accounted for 326 deaths last year. Our services also cater to other age groups that are in need of treating chronic and life-threatening conditions. From cancer and HIV/AIDS to PTSD and Anorexia, our natural treatment options help guide patients to experience overall wellness. However, we not only offer treatment options and guidance with the use of medical marijuana, but we also assist those in need of a medical card. Our qualified physicians carry our examinations to determine whether or not you qualify. Once you do qualify, you can get registered and receive a medical marijuana card. The card acts as a green light for any type of treatment that involves the use of medical marijuana. Given the increasing number of medical marijuana dispensaries opening up in Florida, making a decision can be overwhelming. Given the serious nature of the reason for medical marijuana, the last thing you want to do is visit an uncertified dispensary that might get you in more trouble than you bargained for. From providing poor quality marijuana to not adhering to the laws of Florida, visiting the wrong dispensary can be harmful. Our qualified certified and licensed doctors to ensure that your health needs are met and well taken care of. We strive to establish patient-doctor relationships that thrive on mutual trust. We also help find medical professionals near you, especially for those that may be in need of immediate assistance. By operating within the law of Florida, we are able to keep you well protected and informed with the changing laws as well. Finding safe and effective marijuana treatment has never been easier. Contact us today at 800-250 6737 or visit our website for more information. All Natural Medical Marijuana Doctors & Cards – 4600 Touchton Rd Building 100 Suite 510, Jacksonville, FL 32246. Click Here.
May 7, 2019

Medical Marijuana For Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis Florida

Can medical marijuana (cannabis) help with the osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Introduction: Endocannabinoids are compounds that are created inside the body. They bind with cannabinoid receptors and activate them. The body generates endocannabinoids when they are required. Plant cannabinoids, for example, THC and CBD stimulate the cannabinoid receptors when they brought into the body. This triggers a portion of similar reactions, for example, decreasing inflammation, blockage of pain, slow down cell development, and alleviate the muscle spasms.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis or long term degenerative arthroplasty is a deterioration of the cartilage of the joints with no infection and inflammation. In this condition, the cartilage ruptures and disappears, then bony growth develops that interfere with movement. It’s a regular alteration, 85% of individuals in old age than 70 years of age are influenced by this condition. It is represented by the difficulty to do movements and by pain at daytime. Routine injury (mechanical), overweight (metabolic) or menopause (hormonal) are the reasons for osteoarthritis.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis or joint inflammation is acute or sometimes chronic inflammation of joints without damaging the cartilage. When just a single joint is influenced, the right phrasing is mono-arthritis, from 2-4 infected joints we talk about oligo-arthritis and when more than two joints are infected, it’s known as polyarthritis. It is described by serious pain of tendon, redness, hotness, swelling, and firmness. Its source can be: rheumatic (rheumatoid: it is an autoimmune malady that can have some additional articular signs).

What is Rheumatoid arthritis?

The rheumatoid polyarthritis is the primary long-lasting polyarthritis, mostly in adults, with in excess of 60 million individuals affected around the world says on marijuana doctor in jacksonville. The loss of function of immune system triggers cells that ordinarily protect the body against pathogenic organisms and make antibodies that assault the synovial membrane, a tissue that shields joints from damaging, this damages the cartilages, tendons, and bones.

Can medical Cannabis help with osteoarthritis?

The endocannabinoid system plays an important role in regulating numerous functions inside our body. This is responsible for the psychosocial and physical effects. There are a few kinds of cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system in humans, however, the two important ones are called CB1 and CB2.

CB1 receptors are present in the nerve center (hypothalamus), which is one of the parts of the brain that is in charge of regulating hunger. CB1 receptors have also been distinguished in the nerve endings that are able to control the pain. CB2 receptors are present mostly in the nervous system and in the immune system. CB2 receptors regulate the inflammation when they are activated.

Current investigations have appeared dynamic association of this System in the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis. The outcomes strengthen the interests in medical cannabinoids for this issue, particularly to control the function of the joint and to be a pain relieving and anti-inflammatory. Another book demonstrated preclinical proof that CB2 receptors were an awesome receptor for CBD, and this controls central pain sensitivity, especially at the knee.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by using medical cannabis:

A team of Specialists found both cannabinoid receptors in synovial tissue and liquid in patients suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This information could be a significant medication target to treat inflammation and pain.

The numerous properties of medical cannabis make it especially successful in treating numerous disorders, to the extent, it’s utilized in the right dosages and with high-quality products.

Since weed makes blood vessels expand, it can give you red eyes. A case of the munchies is no figment of the imagination — both casual and heavy marijuana users tend to overeat when they smoke. Marijuana may effectively flip a circuit in the brain that is normally responsible for quelling the appetite, triggering us to eat instead, according to a recent study of mice. This may be because of anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving effects that make it easier to push through a long workout or recover from one says a few marijuana doctors in jacksonville. It all comes down to a special group of cells in the brain that are normally activated after we have eaten a big meal to tell us we’ve had enough. The psychoactive ingredient in weed appears to activate just one component of those appetite-suppressing cells, making us feel hungry rather than satisfied. Some athletes, especially in certain endurance and adventure sports use can boost their athletic performance.

Marijuana Doctors and ID Cards – 4600 Touchton Rd Building 100 Suite 510, Jacksonville, FL 32246. (800) 250-6737Click Here.

April 23, 2019

Is Medical Cannabis THC CBD Oil Good For Seizures

Is Medical Cannabis Good For Seizures?

A number of medical researches have been conducted on whether Medical Cannabis is useful for seizures or not while, various physical applications on the animal models have found that right. Doubtlessly, for the last few years, its importance in the medicines has skyrocketed. Research has shown that most of the medicines for epilepsy have a minor fraction of cannabis products and derivatives, so, that these are very powerful. The question often hits the brain that what researchers have found effective in Cannabis that successfully enables it to replace a number of medicinal components for seizures for over a decade? If it’s really effective, then how long does it last for? And how much desired are outcomes?

What the heck is that Medical Cannabis? Florida Marijuana Doctors say that medical Marijuana or cannabis is the kind of cannabis or cannabinoids being used in various foods and medicines for human welfare. It is found powerful against sleeping disorders, neural degradation, and epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder. Around the world, two-fifth of the people usually experience seizure attacks are the unaffected by anti-epileptic medicines hence the study has found the positive impacts of the new marijuana drugs. Prior to this, off-label cannabis plants were used by North Americans for treating a number of disorders. While, today most of the trials have been performed by Florida Marijuana Doctors on CBD oils are being used with the epilepsy medicines hence, it remains confirmed by practitioners whether it is a potentiator of epileptic medicine or itself is anti-epileptic.

Evidences of Cannabis are useful against Seizure and Epilepsy:

The first most description of cannabis as the anti-seizure was published by W.B. O’ Shaughnessy in the year 1843. He reported the healthy benefits of the cannabis derivatives and products on rabbits, dogs, cows, sheep, goats, cats, and many other animals. He then applied the same medications on a little baby girl (age 40 days) and also found healthy brain development. Later on, applications were applied by a number of other physicians to make medicines. Today, the use of cannabis is decreased because it is now illegal to cultivate cannabis by the general public and to misuse it.

What Components are there in Cannabis help in Seizures?

Substances named “Cannabinoids” are present in Cannabis work on the cannabinoids receptors found on the surface of the cell and generate a soothing effect. According to biological researches and various experimentations, two main components are found that making it effective against seizures are CBD and Tetrahydrocannabinol! CBD isn’t Psychoactive but it plays an important role for betterment for some body parts while, CBD is highly responsible for bettering mental conditions, and it’s Psychoactive in nature.

Benefits of Cannabis for Seizure:

With the advancement of medicinal science, researchers keep exploring more about cannabis, and for now, it is set at the top for treating seizure and has three profound benefits:

  • Epilepsy, most of the times, characterized by intense random and abnormal movement of neurons in the brain for short periods, in case, if the activity lasts for longer, brain cells may get damaged – Cannabis supports here, it has anticonvulsant properties and provides relief against seizures.
  • It keeps brain from further degradation of neural cells and also prevents cells mobility. Research has made it clear that it effectively keeps a charge to regulate epilepsy seizures.
  • Status Epilepsy – It is characterized by non-convulsive and convulsive seizures both. A seizure in this, lasts for 3-5 minutes, it’s very difficult for patient to regain the prior mental position and if the patient doesn’t get effective medication on-the-spot it may lead to complete loss of neural health and Death. Florida Marijuana Doctors, after having intense study found CBD oil effective against Status Epilepsy.

If you are interested in getting started on medical marijuana in Florida, please contact our offices today!


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250


All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.