February 11, 2019

The legal restriction on marijuana dispensaries in Florida

The legal restriction on marijuana dispensaries in Florida After a drawn-out legal action between the State of Florida (defendant) and Trulieve, Medical Marijuana dispensary (plaintiff), a circuit judge has ruled in favor of the plaintiff. Striking out the law limiting the number of dispensaries a Medical Marijuana retail company can own in the state. The repealed law was part of a 2017 constitutional law passed to control and possibly correct the constitution that legalized the sale of medical Marijuana in the state. At its passing, Quincy-based Marijuana retailer, Trulieve challenged the law. Pointing out that the restrictive constitution “arbitrarily impairs product availability and safety” and “unfairly penalizes” pot providers. Trulieve filed a case at the Leon County Court, which was presided over by Judge Karen Gievers. After studying the facts from both parties, Judge Gievers ruled in favor of Trulieve. The Judge had reached a decision in favor of Trulieve last month, but lawyers representing the company pressed for a revisit of an order that affected the states perpendicular integration policy. The law required medical Marijuana sellers to handle every aspect of the Marijuana trade from planting to the point of sale. Gievers ruling on the second case replaced the Jan 2 constitution, which was an unanticipated victory according to Trulieve. In typical fashion, Judge Gievers criticized the legislature and state health officials for disregarding the constitutional amendment approved by over 71% of voters in 2016. The annulled 2017 law limited the number of dispensaries a licensed Marijuana retailer could own. The initial cap was set at 25 and could increase as the number of eligible Marijuana patients increased statewide. The cap, which is now at 30 dispensaries per retailer, will end by 2020. In their prosecution case, Trulieve argued that the 25 store cap was problematic to their company growth as it was set after the company had opened 14 retail stores throughout the state. The company pointed out that if the cap law were enacted before their stores were opened, the company would have chosen different locales for their stores. Friday’s 22-page ruling annulled the constitutional amendment, which placed a cap on licensed Marijuana retailers. For her reason to overturn the constitution, Gievers opined that the legal cap created barriers that unnecessarily increased patients’ risks, costs, and inconvenience in getting products. Gievers further added that the cap delayed access to products, limited patients’ product options and exposed their information, privacy, and safety. The Judge stressed that even though the cap on the number of outlets was time limited, it was the type of law that the bill was meant to remove. Gievers refused the department of health’s argument that the cap was put in place to give the state and local official ample time to review the law guiding retail medical marijuana dispensaries. To Gievers, there was no need for more time; adding that the state had passed into law the use of medical marijuana in 2014. In the court’s findings, the state health department showed no evidence why local officials and state officers did not study the effect of the law and created corrective laws and ordinances before the enactment of the 2016 amendment. Or why they needed more time to review the law guiding retail medical marijuana dispensaries. The Judge also struck off the notion made by the health departments that the cap constitution was put in place to protect medical marijuana dispensaries from overexpansion. Gievers pointed out that the effect of the cap law contradicts the notion and MMTCs faced increased risks after the 2017 cap law. In the Judge’s statement, she noted that putting established, viable, competitive businesses at a disadvantage to help less competitive businesses thrive, thereby adversely affecting consumer efficiency and choice, is not logically associated to a genuine public purpose. In the ruling, Gievers ordered health department officials to allow Trulieve open 34 outlets and warned the department against enforcing the cap ban on licensed retailers, which she found to be against the voter-approved constitutional goals. In a statement, Trulieve’s CEO Kim Rivers lauded the ruling, noting that her company had originally received a license to operate in Florida’s Northwest region, which is the most rural part of the state. Gievers had previously overturned a law that banned the smoking of medical marijuana in public. On this matter, Governor DeSantis acknowledged that the practices of the state were against the constitution. The Governor gave the legislature until March 15 to remove the ban on smoking medical marijuana. To this end, Governor DeSantis threatened to pass up the state’s appeal of Judge Gievers ruling if the legislation failed to reverse the ban. The new chief of state has a lot of hurdles to scale regarding Marijuana law. The approach of the governor’s regime in handling other aspects of Marijuana law is still unknown. It is worth noting that his predecessor, Governor Rick Scott defended the law until his last day in office. In Friday’s ruling, Judge Gievers in trademark fashion reprimanded the legislature and health department for failure to correctly implement the amendment, which she described as a pivotal bill, which there were obligated to implement. If you or a loved one is interested in seeing a medical marijuana doctor in Florida, please contact us today!
February 4, 2019

The Benefits of CBD Oil for Children

The Benefits of CBD Oil for Children

Cannabidiol oil, commonly referred to as CBD oil, has grown in popularity recently. This is majorly due to the discovery of the substance as a viable solution to some severe cases of seizure in epileptic patients. While medical marijuana is still not considered children-friendly, CBD oil is becoming more acceptable. This oil, which is derived from the seeds of the cannabis plant, is non-psychoactive and non-addictive. 100% CBD oil does not contain any trace of THC (the compound that causes high) and is save for children. Here are some health benefits of CBD oil:

It Helps In ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects children and teens and can continue into adulthood. It is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder in children and is impossible to cure completely. Therapy is recognized as the best way to handle this problem but treatment with CBD oil has been found to be very helpful too.

It Helps In Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is another problem that many children suffer from. Social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, specific phobia, selective mutism, separation anxiety disorder, and general anxiety disorder are the recognized types of anxiety in children. The use of CBD oil has been found to be helpful in managing these issues.

It Helps In Treating Autism

Autism is a serious developmental disorder that affect children. It is a chronic condition that affects children’s ability to communicate and interact. This complex neurobehavioral condition can be treated with CBD even though a total cure has not been found till date.

It Helps In the Management of Epilepsy

There is strong evidence that CBD oil can help tremendously in treating epilepsy. It has been discovered that the oil can be very effective in managing some rare and severe forms of epilepsy including Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. In fact, the FDA has approved an oral solution of CBD oil called Epidiolex for the management of these forms of epilepsy.

It Helps In Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory processing disorder is not recognized as a standalone disorder but is seen in developmental conditions like autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. Children suffering this may experience other serious issues like anxiety and may show intolerance to certain noises like crying babies, sounds of vacuum and sirens. CBD oil has also been found to be helpful in treating this problem.

There you have it! Above are some of the benefits of CBD oil for children. While CBD oil is still subject to legal issues in different states, it is recognized as safe for children. It is important, however, that you get CBD oil from a reliable source and make sure it is THC-free before administering to children.

If you have a child that could use the benefits of medical marijuana, please contact our offices today. We have marijuana doctors and all over the State of Florida.

February 1, 2019

Different Ways To Consume Medical Marijuana


Medical marijuana is a universal medicine used to treat many ailments and although it is being used negatively, laws that prohibit its illegal use and distribution have been put into action. Nonetheless, its usefulness as treatment for a variety of diseases makes this topic of relevance. There are several ways that medical cannabis can be administered and experiment with these different ways make it easier to find consumption methods that work best for individual patients.

Different Consumption Methods – See the video here

There are different consumption methods for medical marijuana and they include a few of the following;


The most common way to ingest medical marijuana is smoking by packing a small amount of dried marijuana flower or leaves into a pipe, bong, or rolling paper and smoking like a cigarette. Holding the smoke in your lungs doesn’t make the effect stronger. Start small and wait a few minutes between puffs. While smoking medical marijuana can offer instant relief and is relatively easy to do (which is why most patients will feel the effects immediately as the method is fast), smoke can be harmful to the lungs and is not a good option if you suffer from respiratory problems like asthma.


Vaporizing (or Vaping) is the next common method and is more desirable than pure smoking as the detrimental effects of inhaling smoke is ruled out. Vaping is done by preheating the vaporizer, adding dried weed flower or extract, pressing the button and inhaling the vapor produced by the oil generated. Like with smoking medical cannabis, start small. Vaping removes tars, benzene and other harmful by-products, preventing them from entering the lungs.


A slower delivery method is to eat food or treats made with cannabis. These foods are known as edibles. Treats like candy, brownies, popcorn, butter, sodas, and other types of foods are medicated and delicious. Marijuana edibles provide long lasting relief. Also start small and slow with marijuana edibles. Remember to wait at least an hour before eating more weed edibles says a few orlando marijuana doctors. This method is also great for those concerned about respiratory problems as it takes longer to feel its effect.


Tinctures or sublingual sprays containing cannabinoids mixed with alcohol, glycerin or coconut oil are applied by squirting or spraying the sublingual spray under tongue and it will be absorbed through tissues in the mouth. It doesn’t hurt the lungs and has a mild taste.

Marijuana Transdermal Patches

There are marijuana patches that can be attached to clean and dry skin. This method is ideal for those who can’t or don’t want to inhale smoke or vape.


Topical method is also a great way to use. It causes no psychoactive effects. Great for those suffering from arthritis, muscle soreness, swelling, eczema, sunburns, joint pain or localized pain. Just rub the cream on the area affected.


A newer form of delivery is dabbing. Dabbing is a form of marijuana vaporization and is useful for urgent use, as it provides instant relief but causes extreme psychoactive effects. Dabbing is done by heating a marijuana concentrate to a high temperature and then inhaling.

If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana doctors certification and ID card in Florida, please contact our offices 8002506737 today.


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250



All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.