You Can Now Smoke Medical Marijuana In Orlando Florida

October 23, 2020 All Natural

Oh my Goodness! Have you heard the news? If your a resident of Florida and have a medical marijuana card, you’ll want to read this.



Senate Bill 8A only authorizes select routes of administration (or ways to consume the medication). These include vapor, oils/tinctures, topicals (such as transdermal patches), and edibles (although, as of publication, rules for use and administration for this specific route haven’t been issued – meaning that edibles are technically legal, but still unavailable to patients). Fortunately, Florida has since amended their previous marijuana laws to allow qualified patients to purchase and consume smokable forms of marijuana (also known as flower).


On March 18th, 2019, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 182, repealing the original smoking ban that Rick Scott put into place in early 2017. This legislation was co-sponsored by State Senators Jeff Brandes and Linda Stewart and gained mass attention due to overwhelming support from outspoken lawyer, John Morgan.


On signing day, Governor DeSantis stated: “I thank my colleagues in the Legislature for working with me to ensure the will of the voters is upheld. Now that we have honored our duty to find a legislative solution, I have honored my commitment and filed a joint motion to dismiss the state’s appeal and to vacate the lower court decision which had held the prior law to be unconstitutional.”


So what does this mean for Florida’s Orlando Marijuana Card holders?

Senate Bill 182 allows patients to purchase 2.5 ounces of whole marijuana flower every 35 days as needed. Patients under 18 years of age are not allowed to smoke medical marijuana in Florida. Even with special permission from your Florida medical marijuana doctor, the State of Florida just will not allow for this.


Most importantly: Patients must be specifically certified to consume smokable forms of medical marijuana by a qualified medical marijuana doctor. The certification for smoking flower is different than vaping as that falls under the inhalation route.


Remember, to get approved for a Orlando medical marijuana card you must either be a permanent or temporary resident of Florida and provide valid proof of residence to the State. Besides establishing Orlando Florida residency, you’ll also have to have a diagnosis of a qualifying condition, which was confirmed by a certified Orlando Florida medical marijuana physician.


Florida’s Senate Bill 8A has a detailed breakdown of which conditions qualify for medical marijuana, including:


Related Information: Click Here To Learn More


Aside from these conditions, the bill goes on to further state that other “diagnosable, debilitating conditions” (such as  anxiety, depression, or migraines) are eligible for medical marijuana treatment in Florida. Terminal conditions that are diagnosed by a second doctor (other than your medical marijuana doctor) may also qualify with chronic nonmalignant pain and many other conditions. All Natural MD has a team of professional on hand to assist you with every facet of the process. Not only can you smoke medical marijuana, but the State of Florida has now approved edibles and other routes of administration. You are sure to find a great way to use you marijuana even if you dont want to smoke it. Just give us a call and let us go to work for you today. For more information about medical marijuana in Florida and it’s health benefits, please contact us today.