January 9, 2019

Can Medical Marijuana CBD Oils Treat Cancer For Florida Patients?

Important Information About Additional Cancer Treatments

Judging by the over a million Internet search results, it’s no doubt that cannabis oil has become a popular topic as of late especially as a potentially miraculous treatment for any number of devastating conditions like cancer. But what exactly is cannabis oil and are the claims about it too good to be true you ask? Cannabis oil is merely the concentrated, distilled form of the plant most commonly known as marijuana, with all the plant material stripped away via a solvent. Though it’s also used with other oils to whip up an assortment of edible pot-infused treats, cannabis oil has achieved the most notoriety for its possible medicinal uses. Like marijuana, cannabis oil contains two primary ingredients: the high-inducing THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and cannabidiol (CBD), the second most active ingredient in marijuana. Typically, oil brands marketed for medicinal uses contain much less THC than your average joint but both ingredients have been touted for their curative powers. When it comes to cannabidiol and its related cousin chemicals, all broadly called cannabinoids, there’s some support showing they can reduce chemotherapy-related pain and other symptoms like vomiting and nausea in patients. Elsewhere, other research has shown cannabinoids can uniquely target and kill cancer cells and there have even been anecdotes of supposedly miraculous recoveries from cancer as a result of using cannabis oil. THC, on the other hand, has been theorized to delay the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease as well as help veterans who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder to help relieve their anxiety. Many of these promising studies, however, are generally in the earliest stages of research. Maybe cannabinoids can eliminate cancer cells or cut off their blood supply in the real world, or maybe, like many a purported cancer cure, they can only work in the lab. Fort Lauderdale Marijuana Doctors and other Marijuana Doctors In Orlando are scratching for answers. What we do know is that desperate people have been taken for a ride when it comes to cannabis oil. Cancer Research noted in 2015 that online sites are tricking cancer patients and their families into handing over money for ‘cannabis oil’, yet receiving hemp infused oil and not CBD from a real cannabis flower. Their verdict on the oil itself? “There is no doubt that cannabinoids — both natural and synthetic — are interesting biological molecules. Hundreds of scientists around the world are investigating their potential in cancer and other diseases — as well as the harms they can cause… But claims that this body of preclinical research is solid ‘proof’ that cannabis or cannabinoids can cure cancer is highly misleading to patients and their families, and builds a false picture of the state of progress in this area.” None of this is to say that cannabis oil is worthless as a and treatment. Currently, medical research hasn’t fully explored the drug’s true potential yet. In the meantime, we should be wary of those claiming to say otherwise says a few marijuana doctors in Florida. Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer in the world. Lung tumors that over-produce the EGF receptor tend to be extra-aggressive and don’t respond well to chemotherapy. THC is the main active ingredient of Cannabis sativa –marijuana. It has been shown to inhibit tumor growth in cancer, but specific information on its action against lung cancer has so far been limited. In the new study, the researchers first showed that two different lung cancer lines, as well as samples from patient lung tumors, produced the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. Endocannabinoids — cannabinoids produced naturally in the body — are thought to have an effect on pain, anxiety and inflammation when they bind to cannabinoid receptors. Next, the researchers injected standard doses of THC into mice implanted with human lung cancer cells. After three weeks of treatment, tumors shrank by about 50 percent in animals treated with THC, compared to those in an untreated control group, the researchers reported. If you or a loved one is suffering and can use the benefits of medical marijuana, please contact our offices today or get started online.
January 8, 2019

How Does Marijuana Interact With Prescribed Medications You Ask?

How Does Marijuana Interact With Prescribed Medications You Ask?

It doesn’t matter if it is a prescription drug or a recreational drug, all drugs have compounds that interact with other compounds, adverse interactions with cannabis appear rare. As example of drugs interaction there is caffeine, which most people take on a daily basis. Caffeine have 82 known interactions with other substances.

It is difficult to determine the relevance of a drug interaction, some of them are not harmful but given the number of variables it could change. We can divide these interactions in three main categories:

  • Low risk (Minimally clinically significant), you can consider taking an alternative drug, always monitoring, and taking steps to avoid the interaction risk.

  • Moderate (Moderately clinically significant), in this case the best option is to avoid this type of combinations, using it just in special circumstances.

  • Major (Highly clinically significant), avoid combinations, in any case the risks in this interaction are higher than the benefits.

Before stopping your medications you must consult it with your healthcare provider. If you want professionals to tell you more about changing to a marijuana treatment avoiding dangerous interactions, get started now.

People diagnosed with depression can be prescribed antidepressants, very little research has been made taking prescribed drugs while using marijuana. Antidepressants side effects can be similar to those produced by marijuana use, including the following:

The following is a list of some of the compounds that have major interaction with cannabis and whose mixture should be avoided:

However, there are other kind of risks to consider when mixing drugs and cannabis, antidepressants could be less effective or take longer to work, this could set the treatment on and off protocols, prolonging recovery. Patients with diabetes should be careful when their medication is set to lower blood sugar levels, as marijuana helps regulate blood sugar the effectiveness of the treatment could be compromised, we recommend measuring your blood sugar level while using metformin or a similar treatment and cannabis.

Remember there are newer medications and research is needed, talk to your doctor if you want to consume cannabis while on medication.

If you or a loved one would like to visit a marijuana doctor in Fort Myers Florida, a marijuana doctor in Cape Coral Florida, or maybe a marijuana doctor in Bonita Springs, marijuana doctor in Naples Florida, or any other area of Florida, please contact us today.


January 4, 2019

Medicinal Versus Recreational Cannabis For Florida Patients

The only real difference is that some medical marijuana patients are purchasing strains higher in Cannabidiol (CBD), the non-intoxicating compound of the cannabis plant, and not paying taxes typically associated with the recreational sector. 

This is a controversial subject for sure. Medical marijuana purists will wear themselves out arguing the difference between medicinal and recreational cannabis if engaged in a debate. But aside from a difference in laws, the product is the same its marijuana we smoke it, eat it, drink it, rub it all over our bodies – and we do it pretty much the same way regardless of whether we have aches and pains or just want an altered state of consciousness. There is no “special” brand of pot that has been set aside exclusively for people with legitimate medical conditions. Nope. We’re all getting the same weed.

Medical Marijuana

For medicinal purposes, cannabis strains and hybrids are produced to certain specifications. These are not home-grow operations, but rather a highly-sophisticated production system. The plants are tested in independent laboratories to be sure they contain the requisite ratio of THC to CBD. The growing environment is strictly monitored to be sure no foreign chemicals are introduced to the plants. Lighting and watering systems are used to control how the plants are raised. Nothing is left to chance or the environment. When a certain strain is produced, each plant contains the same ingredients. Medical marijuana is then processed into various forms with the same attention to detail. Medical marijuana products are pure, accurately labeled and consistent to allow for careful dosing and repeat performance. Patients choose medical marijuana products on the advice of a doctor who knows how each strain will affect the body. Patients use medical marijuana to take advantage of certain properties that are bred into the strains they use. Medical marijuana use is as carefully measured and monitored as any other medicine.

Recreational Marijuana

People who use recreational marijuana do so for fun not to reap specific health benefits. Their products are often homegrown and not tested for content or purity of strain. Recreational marijuana users do not have to use marijuana. They do it because they want to. Most recreational marijuana is smoked because the ritual is part of the experience. Smoking recreational marijuana is often a social experience shared among friends says many orlando marijuana doctors. The strains of marijuana used for recreational purposes are more broad-spectrum varieties. For decades, the effects of THC were seen as the main value in marijuana. Recreational marijuana is higher in THC than CBD because of its psychoactive properties.

Recreational marijuana use can be compared to alcohol use. People enjoy the effects of it, so they use it as a celebration or to improve their mood or self-medicate for other purposes. Recreational use of marijuana, alcohol or any other drug can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Recreational drug use can hide the symptoms and prevent a proper diagnosis.

In most states, it is not legal to buy or use marijuana for recreational purposes. You cannot buy recreational marijuana at a licensed medical marijuana dispensary.

If you or a loved one uses recreational marijuana then the benefits of medical marijuana could help even more. Give us All Natural Medical Solutions a call 800-250-6737 or visit our website to learn more.


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250



All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.