- Examine patients who use a smoked marijuana treatment for pulmonary function and immune status
- Comply with any and all state initiatives to track marijuana sources and patients using it for medical purposes
- Know the patient’s marijuana and other drug use history, including addiction
- Counsel the patient on the risks of medical marijuana, both short-term and long-term
- Obtain training or certification in addiction medicine
- Review uses and dosing recommendations
- Confirm that other methods of treatment were tried and failed
- Be sure the marijuana sourced contains standard THC levels and no contaminants
- A doctor who recommends cannabis should not hold any financial interest in a company that cultivates or dispenses marijuana, and their office should not be located in proximity to such a facility.
- For a patient with substance abuse or mental health issues, the treating doctor should consult with a specialist in pain management or psychiatry before developing a treatment plan to include marijuana
- The doctor should maintain a written treatment plan that includes all of the patient’s pertinent medical history, results of periodic follow-ups, proof of consent to treat, notes from consulting specialists and an ongoing treatment plan for 12 months or less of marijuana treatment.
Marijuana helps treat symptoms of migraines for patients in Florida
A recent study has shown that components of marijuana reduce migraine pain more effectively than the available prescription medications and have lesser side effects. The study involved 127 individuals, suffering from cluster headaches, chronic migraines and severe headaches. The researchers gave all participants a combination of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) or the two active components of cannabis. The study showed that patients who received 200mg of the dose each day for a period of three months experienced lesser pain. It also proved that the dose was more effective at reducing the severity of cluster headaches for people who had a long history of migraines.
Migraines are very painful and may become debilitating. Generally, the pain is accompanied by a bunch of other downright symptoms like light sensitivity and nausea. Apart from being hard to deal with, migraines are hard to treat. Most of the available medications are ineffective and may cause unpleasant side effects. That is the primary reason why most individuals are now going for marijuana.
What is a migraine?
Migraines are not just headaches. They are severe headaches with utmost pain that includes other symptoms like seeing light flashes before they happen and blind spots. Some people experience tingling in the extremity, sound and light sensitivity, vomiting and nausea during and before the migraine says marijuana doctors in florida. Migraines affect millions of people worldwide and only affect one side of the head. Some of the commonest symptoms include pain that occurs on one side of the head, more pain when being physically active or straining, vomiting, feeling sick and inability to complete some of your daily tasks. Some individuals are more sensitive to light than others are and might need to remain in quiet dark rooms.
Some other symptoms include diarrhea and temperature variations. Something known as an aura will warn you that you are about to develop a migraine. Auras are changes in perception, which include seeing strange lights, feeling confused most of the time, seeing zigzags and blind spots in your visual field, stiffness and having trouble when speaking. Currently, migraines have no cure and the available medications can only mitigate the symptoms the medications do not work for some people. Some of the prevention measures include avoiding trigger foods and drinking plenty of water.
Medical Cannabis for Tourette Syndrome Patients in Florida
For many individuals with Tourette syndrome (TS), available medications do not help with their symptoms, or cause significant side effects. Two small controlled trials have investigated the effect of oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a principal psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, in TS patients. While these trials have shown promising results, the effect sizes were not as large and consistent as those reported by patients with regards to inhaled cannabis (smoked or vaporized). Indeed, based on anecdotal evidence, patients have much greater improvement in their symptoms using inhaled cannabis than using cannabinoid pharmaceuticals. However, there have been no controlled trials of inhaled medical cannabis for Tourette syndrome to date. Furthermore, various medical cannabis products are authorized in Canada with different contents of THC and cannabidiol (CBD), another primary cannabinoid. No data exists regarding the dosing, efficacy and safety of these products in the treatment of TS. Despite cannabis’ history in folk pharmacopoeias, clinical studies of its medicinal impact remain limited in many areas. Based on some promising early results, researchers are now calling for a closer look at its applications for certain mental health conditions for which more ‘traditional’ treatments have come up short says Florida marijuana doctors. According to recent studies, the cannabis-derived chemical cannabidiol (CBD) may offer meaningful relief with schizophrenia, a frequently chronic condition which can significantly interfere with how we think, feel, and behave. In a release, one commented that CBD could provide direct neurological support for a range of conditions affecting the brain, from schizophrenia to dementia says medical marijuana doctors in orlando florida. “From this review, we found that CBD will not improve learning and memory in healthy brains, but may improve aspects of learning and memory in illnesses associated with cognitive impairment, including Alzheimer’s disease, as well as neurological and neuro-inflammatory disorders,” including hepatic encephalopathy, meningitis, sepsis, and cerebral malaria.
If you or a loved one has Tourette syndrome and could use the health benefits of medical marijuana, please contact our offices today or visit our website for more details.