February 23, 2018

Doctors in Florida Take Aim At Medical Marijuana

29 states allow cannabis use for certain medical conditions. Despite that, scientists have a harder time doing research on the potential medical benefits of marijuana than they do on “harder” drugs like ecstasy or magic mushrooms. The public may think of pot use as no big deal, but federal laws make it difficult for researchers to obtain legal supplies. Clinical researchers can get permission from the DEA to grow or create restricted compounds; not so with cannabis. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 placed marijuana in the most restrictive use category, Schedule I, deeming it a drug with no medicinal value and high potential for abuse. To do clinical research with marijuana, you need a DEA license, and you need to get your study approved by the FDA. When it comes to actually obtaining research-grade marijuana, though, you have to go through the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a process that has proved problematic for some researchers determined to study the potential medical benefits of marijuana in Florida and others states around the US. Anecdotal evidence suggests that marijuana can reduce chronic pain, reduce muscle spasms in patients with multiple sclerosis and perhaps even help treat symptoms of PTSD. The small amount of clinical research out there also supports the idea that marijuana could be an effective treatment for pain. A 2007 study found that smoking cannabis reduced chronic pain in HIV-positive patients by 34 percent. Results from a study in 2010 further supported the theory that it can [reduce the intensity of neuropathic chronic pain- pain caused by damage to the nervous system–marijuana recommended by Doctors in Florida help patients find the relief they’ve been yearning for for years. If you’re going to run a trial to show that marijuana has positive effects, the NIDA essentially is not going to allow it. Both the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians have called for more research into the therapeutic uses of marijuana and for the U.S. government to reconsider its classification as a Schedule I substance. Many universities grow and harvests cannabis for studies funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, yet because NIDA’s mandated mission is to research the harmful effects of controlled substances and stop drug abuse, the institute isn’t interested in helping establish marijuana as a medicine. The federal government’s position on marijuana, according to a document featured prominently on the DEA’s homepage, is that: The clear weight of the currently available evidence supports [Schedule I] classification, including evidence that smoked marijuana has a high potential for abuse, has no accepted medicinal value in treatment in the United States, and evidence that there is a general lack of accepted safety for its use even under medical supervision says Doctors in Miami Florida… Specifically, smoked marijuana has not withstood the rigors of science–it is not medicine, and it is not safe. Burge tells a different story. “The United States government has gone to great lengths to prevent [medical] research on whole-plant marijuana,” he says, though research into isolated components of the plant has gone on. “We have an FDA-approved protocol, but the only way to actually get marijuana for the study, the only federally approved source. “NIDA refused to sell us the marijuana for this study.” There’s a lot of investment in marijuana remaining illegal. According to NIDA, the agency can provide research-grade marijuana to projects that have received funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), or to a non NIH-funded project that has an approved Investigative New Drug application on file with the FDA; has proper DEA registration; and has been approved as scientifically valid by a Health and Human Services scientific review panel.
February 9, 2018

The legal cannabis industry is posting some insane job-growth numbers

The legal cannabis industry is posting some insane job-growth numbers. The total number of job postings for the cannabis industry increased by almost a 500% in 2017, as a host of states — including Florida — legalized the plant for adult consumption. That’s up from just 18% growth in 2016, according to a recent study, an online job platform.  Nine states and Washington D.C. have legalized cannabis, though it’s considered an illegal, Schedule I drug at the federal level.  Because of that trend, there are now more cannabis workers than dental hygienists in the US, according to Marijuana Business Daily, a financial-news publication focusing on the cannabis industry. The higher end of their estimate range suggests there were 230,000 people employed in the US legal cannabis industry in 2017, whereas there were two hundred thousand dental hygienists, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Job growth in the cannabis industry is now outpacing some of the fastest-growing fields in the US, including tech and healthcare. Job postings in the healthcare industry grew 70%  in 2017 while tech defined as jobs in the software and IT space rose by 254%, according to ZR’s data. The pace of cannabis-industry job growth increased throughout 2017 as businesses went on a hiring spree to gear up for the start of legal sales and Doctors in Florida. Cannabis jobs are mostly clustered in the industry’s epicenters — Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Colorado, according to ZR — as well as a few cities in Florida. Florida legalized medical cannabis in 2016. Now that marijuana is legal in California — by far the most populous state to legalize the drug — the report predicts the state will pull in over $5.1 billion in cannabis sales in 2018. For comparison, Californians bought $5 billion worth of beer in 2017, according to industry research group World. Total spending on legal cannabis is expected to skyrocket to over $21 billion by 2021 for all US consumers, the BDS report says. Factoring in “indirect effects” of legal cannabis revenue, such as transactions between cannabis companies and businesses in other industries (like shipping, packaging, payroll processing, etc.), BDS Analytics expects legalized cannabis to inject close to $40 billion into the US economy by 2021.  The report, however, notes that forecasts about the cannabis business are difficult because its illegal status at the federal level means the federal government doesn’t track data for the industry.  If marijuana were to become legal in all 50 states, a new report from cannabis industry research firm New Frontier Data estimates that the industry could add billions to US tax coffers. But that’s only if Attorney General Jeff Sessions — a noted cannabis legalization opponent —  doesn’t pursue a federal crackdown.


January 22, 2018

How To Choose The Right Marijuana Doctor

If you have one or more of the state approved conditions and the condition is chronic in nature, and/or is debilitating, call us today to set up an appointment! We can assist you in obtaining your state issued Medical Marijuana Card. Our physicians are DEA certified and state approved to help you qualify for an Marijuana License. Once our doctors approve you for medical marijuana, our onsite notary will assist you in completing all state documentation necessary to officially become a Florida medical marijuana patient. We not only provide expert education on becoming an medical marijuana patient, but we also provide direction in finding a dispensary or caregiver that will best suit your needs. Contact our friendly staff today to learn what steps you now need to take to begin your medical marijuana treatment today.

Not all physicians can, or are willing to recommend medical cannabis for their patients. Our registration company has worked to find DEA certified physicians with the background knowledge, and expertise needed to perform Medical Marijuana Recommendations. The state has strict criteria for doctors who are willing to write Medical Marijuana Recommendations for patients. Your doctor must be an MD or DO, and DEA registered with no license restrictions or conditions. We pride ourselves in finding physicians who not only meet the state standards, but go above and beyond to provide unmatched follow-up care and medical resources to all of our patients. We want to provide you the best care possible and our doctors can help get your life back to where you want it to be. Make this process easy and let us take care of all your Medical Marijuana needs. When you see our doctor you must have a qualifying condition in order to receive a Medical Marijuana Recommendation. Medical documentation is helpful but not necessary if you are over the age of 21. The condition must be severe and/or debilitating in nature or else the doctor cannot recommend Medical Marijuana. The physician will need to know certain things about your condition, how long it has been present? How was it diagnosed? How does is affect your daily life? What brought your condition about? Please have either medical records that document the answer to these questions present at your appointment, or know your past medical & alcohol history so you may give a concise and complete overview of your medical history. It is important that you have been seen by a medical professional for your condition at some point in your past. Your Florida Medical Marijuana Doctor cannot diagnose your condition, but only evaluate it to determine whether Medical Marijuana is right for you. Once you see the doctor, our cannabis professionals will notarize your paperwork and will have your documentation ready to mail off to the state. Your marijuana license may take a while to be approved by the state. In the meantime, we can recommend dispensaries and caregivers that can take care of all of your Medical Marijuana needs. We only recommend state approved dispensaries that are discreet and professional. Dispensaries and medical professionals all over Florida recommend us as your one stop Medical Marijuana Doctor and Registration Company because of our unparalleled service and care for our patients. Our doctors look forward to helping you achieve the highest grade of health through cannabis therapy. We look forward to you becoming a part of the All Natural MD community! Let us help you take the steps to living a healthy life through the use of Medical Marijuana.


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250



All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.