First and foremost, there exist no straight answer to this question. This is because it all depends with the person consuming the drug as bodies of different people tend to react differently. Medical cannabis are certain chemicals that are often utilized for medical purposes. In addition, cannabinoids happen to be substances that cause changes to body cells as well as the brain and are found in medical cannabis. Cannabidiol (CBD) as well as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two main cannabinoids that are utilized in medicine. In the recent past, utilization of cannabis in treatment of epilepsy conditions as well as other major neurological conditions have been carefully investigated. Some agreed with credibility of it’s use to treating epilepsy while others had to differ with the idea based on their findings. This article provides you with relevant information regarding some of those findings.
Tips to keep in mind concerning hemp To begin with, hemp happens to be a variety of a plant named cannabis Sativa that was(in the past) grown for seeds and stalks because they contained useful fibrous materials. The fibrous materials were later used to manufacture products such as upholstery and clothing fibre among many other items used in common households. Traditionally, hemp constitutes of higher levels of CBD but low levels of THC. Often, cannabinoids that are obtained from hemp plants with CBD being amongst them have been considered as marijuana in the recent past. It is also classified under Schedule I substances which simply indicates that they are not authorized drugs to use for medical purposes and also have a possibility of being abused. Therefore the only CBD product that whose use to treat epilepsy has been permitted after a thorough study remains to be a drug named Epidiolex. Notably, not every CBD product is the same even from a particular batch to another and therefore caution ought to be taken before consuming it. That is the reason why visiting a licensed medical marijuana doctor near me and well you of course to talk about it is effective and a wise decision. Informed decisions are the best when it comes to medication. Does medical marijuana really help to eliminate seizures? Anecdotal evidence, minor clinical studies as well as findings from laboratory studies that were carried out in the recent past indicated that CBD may have the ability to control seizures. However, research based on investigation of cannabidiol tends to not only be difficult to handle but also consumes much time because of the fact that the access to CBD is restrained as well as federal regulations. In addition, time as well as finances are both limited. However, some of those findings indicates that CBD conferred benefits to a a particular group of people to people that suffered epilepsy but did not respond to traditional modes of treatment. Epidiolex happens to be a CBD extract that is purified after being obtained from the cannabis plant. It is used in treatment of two epileptic conditions. Those conditions include the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome as well as Dravet Syndrome. Dravet Syndrome often begin with actual febrile seizures that may occur during the first year of infancy. Besides, other kinds of seizures are possibly said to occur as the epileptic condition persists. Some of those seizures may include myoclonic seizures which is associated by short but uncontrolled muscle spasms. Other children may develop status epilepticus where they tend to suffer seizures that are continuous and demand emergency intervention. On secondary effects, they may it difficult to relate with others, have poor language abilities, become hyperactive and also have impaired motor skills. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome tend to be rare but also extreme childhood onset epilepsy. It is said to commence at the age of three to five years. It is also characterized by frequent seizures that may cause the patient’s body to experience a sudden stiffening of muscles in several body parts that include the limbs. It is unfortunate that most children suffering this condition develop intellectual disabilities and may be in need of being aided in their day to day activities. To control these two conditions the use of Epidiolex may help to manage seizures if the medical marijuana doctor recommends that you try it as a mode of treatment. Are there side effects that come along with using medical marijuana to treat epilepsy? The use of Medical Marijuana is said to be accompanied by quite a number of side effects that are influenced by the mode of administration. For instance, patients of epilepsy that may opt to smoke marijuana are likely to suffer heart as well as lung problems. In addition, most people tend to perceive marijuana as a mere plant but surprisingly it is broken down by the liver just like other types of medication. In addition, people tend to be mistaken on the assumption that consumption of medical marijuana is safe simply because the oil is extracted from a plant or rather because it is a plant. However, they are wrong due to the reason that medical interaction tend to occur from time to time. Research has been carried out on various people and the safety data that has been obtained from the trials taken did prove presence of side effects of similar kind. The study which was conducted on people with Dravet Syndrome as well as Lennox-Gaustat Syndrome showed side effects that include;- Diarrhea
- Fatigue and general tiredness
- Poor sleep
- Insomnia
- Infections
- Rashes
- Lethargy
- Reduced appetite
- Panic attacks
- Suicidal thoughts
- Depression
- Agitation
- Suicidal attempts
- Increased aggressiveness
Are you suffering from an anxiety disorder? Well, the good news is that you can use medicinal marijuana and treat the disease. However, the most important thing is to know the recommended dose which you are supposed to take. In the course of this article, we shall discuss in- depth the treatment of anxiety, symptoms of anxiety, and also the recommended dose for marijuana medicine.
With the discussion to legalize marijuana continuing in more states, there is new scientific research which indicates that marijuana helps to calm the experience, which will eventually relieve anxiety to many people. Something you should ensure to do is to take the recommended dose to avoid addiction. Before we consider the recommended dose let’s look at the common symptoms of anxiety which you should watch:
- Feeling Easily Fatigued
If you happen to feel fatigued after doing simple tasks, then there is a high chance you are suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety, in many cases, is associated with hyperactivity or arousal. However, you should also note that fatigue could be caused by depression, which would need you to look for further medical attention.
- Restlessness
Here is another sign which you might experience if you are suffering from anxiety. For instance, teens and children are the most affected. It’s the common symptom which some florida mmj doctors consider to know if someone has anxiety. In most cases, this happens if you have been experiencing restlessness for the majority of days in more than six months.
- Excessive Worrying
If you are in deep thought and you are worried, then you may end up suffering from anxiety. However, if the worrying occurs for most days for at least six months, it would be difficult to control, and therefore, there is a need for you to control in advance. Also, worrying must be severe and even intrusive, thus making it difficult to cope with daily tasks. People who are aged below sixty-five years old are a high chance of suffering from anxiety compared to those aged above sixty years.
- Difficulty Concentrating
If you have a difficult time focusing on something for some time, it’s a clear indication that you are suffering from anxiety. Research indicates that many kids and teens are suffering from anxiety, and they end up lacking concertation. Some kids have had a hard time concentrating in the class since they are suffering from the disorder.
Treating Anxiety With Low Doses Of Cannabis
An important aspect of marijuana is that it has a biphasic effect, which means it can easily provide opposite results of what you are expecting depending on the amount which you consume. It’s advisable to avoid consuming high doses, which could lead to you experiencing extreme cases of anxiety instead of treating the anxiety. People should take a small dose, which would help you feel more relaxed. The recommended dose for medical marijuana is 1 to 2 mg of edible marijuana and ensure that you wait for more than an hour, and keenly observe the effect. Its commonly referred to as micro-dosing.
Cannabis has been legalized in several states in the United States, and many people have been using medical marijuana in Florida to manage anxiety. There are several methods that you can use to administer medical marijuana and ensure that you have controlled the level of anxiety. There is a need to consider them anytime you want to use the dose to avoid the effects. To ensure that you get the actual dosage, you can use the vape pens and ensure that you take the recommended dose.
According to the marijuana laws, it states that one can take the dose that is edible and should contain more than 8mg of THC per piece. It helps to measure the recommended dose for medical marijuana and avoid overdosing, which could end, causing more effects on your body. Those people who have used the dose as prescribed have been able to relax, focus, and also enjoy the nights better as compared to when they have overdosed the drug.
Marijuana Treatment Method
There are several methods that you can use to treat anxiety disorder. The recommended medical marijuana dose has been prescribed, but the method which you decide to use will depend on you. Here are some of the methods which you can use:
- Smoking
It’s considered to be the most popular method to use cannabis for medicinal use and also recreational. It can be used to treat anxiety, but it could be difficult for someone to regulate the number of strokes that you smoke. You need to be precautious with smoking to avoid getting more addicted to smoking marijuana, which could cause biphasic effects.
- Edibles
According to Florida marijuana laws, it recommends people to use edibles if you don’t have any dietary issues. They can provide you a milder effect, which will help to lower anxiety levels. However, you need to ensure you don’t take more than 10 mg. It’s the best treatment method because the edibles could help reduce anxiety without any side effects, which could be caused by marijuana.
- Vaping
It’s another method which you can use tom inhale marijuana and take the edge off. You need to ensure that you have used pre- measurable vape pens to avoid overdosing. Also, you need to reduce toxins generated by using a high quality vaporizer.
Final Thought
Some people have used the dose, and it has been successful, thus controlling anxiety. However, others find it difficult for them to control their anxiety due to overdosing. At times marijuana can be addictive, and there is a need for people taking the dose to ensure they don’t overdose to avoid addiction. This does intend to treat anxiety, and therefore there is a need to ensure the weed medicine is not misused.
Anxiety is treatable with the use of the medical marijuana dose if it’s identified in advance, and the patient does not misuse the dose. Get Started.
Are you looking for a medical marijuana doctor in Florida? Well, choosing such a doctor in the state, Florida can be a challenging task for you. I am here to provide you with essential tips which you need to consider to choose the right marijuana doctor for your health problem. In recent days there has been increasing use of marijuana medicine in the country, which has led to an increase in demand of marijuana doctor. State of Florida is among the pioneer states which has legalized medical marijuana for the patients diagnosed with cancer, HIV/AIDS, Crohn’s disease, among other diseases.
Here are the tips which you are supposed to consider:
- Consult Your Physician
For you to get the right marijuana doctor, you need to consult your primary physician if you are not sure about the right doctor. If your physician is willing to help you, he will proceed and conduct all the evaluations, which is needed to ensure you get the right doctor. He or she understands your problem, and he should always recommend you to the right marijuana doctor.
All that you need is to inform your doctor about the need to seek alternative medicine, which is marijuana medication. The doctor will conduct all due diligence and ensure that you get linked with the right marijuana doctor. However, some doctors have been advising their patients not to use the medicine, which is illegal.
- Make Use Of The Referrals
It’s another important tip that you can use to get the right marijuana doctor. For instance, some patients have interacted with these doctors before, and they know the best doctors. You are supposed to ask about their experience with these doctors, and this would influence your decision.
In addition to that, another critical question that you should not fail to ask is how they handle their patients. However, in the scenario where you don’t know of any patient who has used marijuana medicine before, you can visit your nearest health facility. You will meet these patients and interact with them, and they will give you the best referrals to get your Florida medical weed card at a trusted reliable weed doctor.
- Conduct Online Research
We are living in a world of technology, and anytime someone renders services, his or her clients will add reviews on their social media profiles. It’s a great tip that you can use and get the right marijuana doctor in Florida. In addition to that, these doctors have opened an account in all the social media hurdles where they can reach out to patients.
Once you enter a keyword on the search engine, you will get results, and you will analyze the best doctor depending on the reviews and also the patient’s testimonials. However, patients should be precautious with the online search because there are doctors who have opened fake hurdles, and the patients end up trusting them very easily.
- Get Professional Assistance
Here is another tip which you are supposed to consider by engaging professional help for you to get the right medical marijuana. There are many qualified doctors in Florida, but for you to get qualified, ensure you have professional help. There are professionals based in Florida who are offering these services to the patients and ensure they get the right medical marijuana physician. Some of these professions are in the medical field, and they are always willing to offer all the assistance which is needed to access the best marijuana doctor.
- Engage Medical Agency
Different medical agencies are operating in Florida, which are offering assistance to the patients looking for marijuana doctors. You will only need to have a state-approved condition, and this will enable you to qualify for marijuana medicine.
Just make a call to the agency, and you will be booked for an appointment with the marijuana doctor who will handle your case. These agencies are going a notch higher to help the patients obtain the state-issued Medical Marijuana Card, which would assist you during medical treatment. After this, the agency will also ensure that you have filled all the necessary documentation needed for you to be a Florida medical marijuana patient. However, there is a need to conduct all due diligence to ensure that you engage an agency that has been accredited in the state.
- Get A Referral From DEA
Drug Enforcement Administration has been in existence in the US for sometimes where they regulate the prescription of the drugs in the country. Some people have been engaging this department to ensure they access the best advice relating to the drugs. For instance, every prescription written in the United States bears the DEA number. However, this department has been providing some assistance to patients who are seeking marijuana medicines.
Many people have considered referrals from the DEA due to the assistance which they offer to the patients. The department has listed all the marijuana doctors in Florida, which makes it possible for the department to give referrals to the patients. The next time you need a marijuana doctor in the state of Florida, then you should consult the department and get the best assistance on the right doctor.
- Marijuana Doctors Should Licenses
For a marijuana doctor to be allowed to offer the medical services in Florida, you need to be licensed and be a medical doctor. In addition to that, DEA will also review the doctor to ensure the medicine which the doctor will prescribe to the patient is accurate. Every doctor has a license which they are supposed to use when practicing his work. Once you visit the marijuana doctor and he produces a license, its clear indication that the doctor is accredited.
Final Thought
When in need of the marijuana doctor, then you should consider the above tips to ensure that you get an accredited doctor. However, an essential thing every patient should adhere to is having a good relationship with your physician to recommend the best medication. Before you could consider marijuana medicine, you should first have a prescription. Get started on your medical marijuana card online now.