August 10, 2019

Qualifying Conditions For Marijuana in Florida – All Natural Marijuana Doctors

What Are Some Of The Qualifying Conditions For Medical Marijuana in Florida For some time now, the drug cannabis (or marijuana) has been legalized in over thirty states in the United States of America. In some states (about 11 states), the legal use of marijuana can be recreational or medicinal, while in other states, the use of the drug is strictly for medicinal purpose. Florida is one of the states in the latter category. Since its legalization in 2014 and the voting in of the Amendment 2 bill in 2016 (which allowed marijuana to be legalized for treatment of many other medical conditions as opposed to the former law which stated that marijuana could only be used for those suffering from terminal illnesses and had less than a year to live), marijuana doctors in Florida have been able to prescribe the drug to many people with serious cases and medical conditions. That being said, not all medical conditions qualify for the prescription of medical marijuana by marijuana doctors in Florida. Also, the person involved (the patient) has to be eligible for this prescription, as stated by the Amendment 2 law before he can be legally allowed to purchase marijuana for medicinal use. These requirements and conditions are stated below. Requirements for patient eligibility
  • The patient must be a resident of the state of Florida. This will be verified with a valid Florida ID or other forms of residency like tax and utility bills or your mortgage statement).
  • The patient must have a documentation of the diagnosis of the debilitating medical condition.
  • The patient must have a documentation of a good description of the patient diagnosis. This is to be gotten from the primary health care provider.
  • If the patient is under 18 years of age, he or she must have a parent or guardian around during consultations or appointments with the doctor.
  • If the patient is under 18 years of age, he or she must have met with at least two doctors and both must confirm that the use of medical marijuana is the best way to deal with the situation.
  • The patient must be registered with the Florida Department of Health Medical Marijuana Program under the Compassionate Care Database. There are many medical marijuana doctors in Florida that can help you with this registration.
  • The patient must have tried other treatments which have proved ineffective before seeking a medical marijuana prescription.
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is an extensive endogenous signaling system with multiple elements, the number of which may be increasing as scientists continue to elucidate its role in human health and disease. The ECS is seemingly ubiquitous in animal species and is modulated by diet, sleep, exercise, stress, and a multitude of other factors, including exposure to phytocannabinoids, like Cannabidiol (CBD). Modulating the activity of this system may offer tremendous therapeutic promise for a diverse scope of diseases, ranging from mental health disorders, neurological and movement disorders, pain, autoimmune disease, spinal cord injury, cancer, cardiometabolic disease, stroke, TBI, osteoporosis, and others. Medical conditions that qualify for medical marijuana in Florida According to Amendment 2, these are the medical conditions that qualify for a medical marijuana prescription: This article was written for All Natural Marijuana Doctors – Florida Marijuana Doctors. Always remember that in Florida, you cannot take cannabis as a recreational drug, it’s illegal. You must always get a prescription after the aforementioned requirements and qualifications are met, or else you have only yourself to blame if you are charged with illegal possession and use of the said drug. Contact us or visit our website for more information or to get started on your medical marijuana card in Florida.
July 31, 2019

Can CBD Be Used To Treat Chronic Pain Due To Arthritis?

Can CBD Be Used To Treat Chronic Pain Due To Arthritis?

According to recent statists in the U.S., more than 54 million adults and 300,000 children have been diagnosed with Arthritis or rheumatic disease, causing pain in the joints. Arthritis patients mainly suffer significantly from depression, decreased movement in the joints, and stiffness. When the pain becomes worsen while doing daily activities, then it could be dangerous for several health conditions. Several symptoms could be seen for Arthritis, and everyday things mainly include depression and anxiety. These could also be connected with other problems related to medicine with coexisting with people with arthritis that include heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Many numbers of treatments and medication program could be helpful for adverse effects, and many numbers of people have been searching for the alternative to get rid of the pain from their body. CBD oil is one of the excellent options for you to get an instant solution.

What Is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of more than 80 chemicals that are found in the cannabinoids of marijuana plant called the Cannabis sativa. CBD oil or Cannabis Oil are considered as the commonly used treatment for quickly reducing the pain in the region. Florida Marijuana Doctors also suggest taking the CBD when you are suffering from Chronic Pain Due To Arthritis. CBD oil becomes the best solution for you to quickly reduce the pain without any side effects in the body. Cannabis mainly consists of different chemicals, and delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is one of the psychoactive. Since CB1 receptors are located in the brain, it is also associated with the cognitive actions that are mainly related to that of the combination of the mood, memory, thinking, appetite, and many others.

Arthritis Pain Relief With CBD Oil:

Most of the people of the modern age has been using Cannabis as the most critical recreational drug. However, it is also one of the most crucial options for applying for medicinal purposes, and it is a complete solution for increasing the stability and blood circulation in the blood vessels. People making CBD have extracting it from the hemp plant, and they are selective breeding of marijuana plants.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA):

Florida Marijuana Doctors state that the Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system in the individual attacks the joints that cause the inflammation. Rheumatoid Arthritis would affect the hands as well as feet, causing pain. When using the CBD, it is a convenient option for treating Arthritis along with relieving the inflammatory pain

Osteoarthritis (OA):

Osteoarthritis is the degenerative disease affecting the joint Cartilage along with bones that causes stiffness and pain. Osteoarthritis affects the knee, thumb joints, and hip. CBD oil can be used for treating this pain and suitable for quickly getting the complete solution in a much more efficient way.

CBD mainly has an impact on CB2 receptors so that it would entice the whole body for making relief for your pain. CBD oil linked with many numbers of mental health benefits to reduce anxiety.

If you or someone you know is interested in seeing a Marijuana Doctor, please contact our offices or visit our website to get started.

July 16, 2019

What Conditions Qualify for Medical Marijuana in Florida

What conditions qualify for medical marijuana in Florida?

Just like medical cannabis was legalized in Florida in the year 2014, Florida voters passed medical marijuana in the year 2016 with majority votes of 71.3% that went effective from 3rd January 2017. Since then there have been multiple ways of using it including vapes, oils, tinctures, capsules and topical lotions.    

  • Medical marijuana eligibility

If a patient wants to be eligible for medical marijuana suggestion from the marijuana doctors within Florida, it is necessary for the patients to meet the requirements as follows;

  • Florida residency with the state identity or any other residency proof including utility bills, tax bills, etc.
  • Patients below 18 years must have their parent/guardian present at the time of consultancy with marijuana doctors. Such patients should receive consultancy from the two physicians and receive the recommendations from the two.
  • Description of patient’s diagnosis via official medical documentation from primary care provider.
  • Evidence of diagnosed debilitating medical condition.
  • Evidence of patient’s registration with Florida Department of Health Medical Marijuana program. For the purpose of registration either contact 850-245-4444 or email
  • Prior to receiving medical marijuana recommendation, the patients must have undergone ineffective treatments.     
  • Patients who qualify for medical marijuana in Florida and treatments
  • HIV/AIDS- AIDS is referred to as a chronic condition within the immune system that is caused by HIV. Ranging from the period of 2-10 years, the progression takes place. Since there is no cure for the disease, the progression of the disease is slowed down via use of antiretroviral medication.

 The use of medical marijuana assist in controlling the symptoms of both HIV/AIDS by assisting to reduce muscles, nerve pain and joint, facilitating weight gain and further alleviating depression.   

  • Cancer- This has been one of the diseases Americans suffer. It is characterized by uncontrollable multiplication of abnormal cell that intrude on the functions of essential organs of the body. Where the common treatments include chemotherapy and radiation, it’s unpleasant side effects are finished with the assistance of medical marijuana.

As recommended by many marijuana doctors in Florida, marijuana helps in alleviating muscles, elevating depressing mood, supports healthy sleep and a lot more.   

  • Epilepsy- Also referred to as chronic neurological disorder which causes burst and breaks of the central nervous system activity, thereby producing abnormal and uncontrollable body behavior or movements.

Over 2000 years, patients have been suggested to make use of medical cannabis as the studies show that cannabidiol treatment reduces seizures via an average usage of 54%. Whereas marijuana is said to have the potential to greatly decrease the number and severity of seizures for the individuals suffering from epilepsy. Hence, promoting the overall quality of life.    

  • Glaucoma– an eye condition which is normally caused by the increasing pressure within the eyeball, leading to eventual blindness or optic nerve damage. The progression of the disease is way too painful with unusual vision changes that induces the feeling of vomiting and nausea.

As recommended by the doctors, the use of medical marijuana aids in improving the symptoms of glaucoma via relieving pent-up eye pressure, alleviating pain, controlling nausea and a lot more.

  • Chronic nonmalignant pain- medically- defined as the pain persisting over 3 months period.

Marijuana is a natural source of pain relief that not only reduces inflammation, but relaxes muscles, improves the mood and alleviates anxiety. Marijuana doctors only suggest cannabis when the patients have attempted other unsuccessful methods of managing pain.

  • Multiple sclerosis- Widely recognized as MS, it is an autoimmune disease which leads to the eventual deterioration and demyelination of the nerve cells.

With the use of medical cannabis as suggested by All Natural Medical Solutions marijuana doctors in Florida, the severity of the MS symptoms are reduced via decreasing the inflammation that is caused by deteriorating myelin, relieving the pain stemming from both neural degradation and uncontrollable muscle spasms. It further assist in controlling the gastrointestinal problem. 

Other diseases that qualifies includes the following;

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Chronic seizures
  • Post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/ Lou Gehrig’s disease
  • Any terminal condition that is diagnosed by a physician
  • Medical conditions of similar classes as listed above

If you need information on getting your medical marijuana doctors rec or id card in Florida, please contact our offices or visit our website for more information.


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250


All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.