July 13, 2020

Steps To Getting A Florida Issued Medical Marijuana Card

Step 1: Do you qualify for a Florida based medical marijuana card? Before you can buy cannabis from a dispensary, you must first visit a licensed physician who is certified to prescribe medical marijuana after having completed the mandatory education requirements laid out by the state of Florida. The physician will then determine if you fall within the eligibility criteria to purchase medical marijuana.   How to find a certified physician Finding a state-approved medical marijuana doctor is as simple as visiting the website for Florida’s Office of Medical Marijuana Use and using the “Physician’s Search Tool” to locate a medical professional that has completed the training required by the state and carries the license to practice. An important point to take into consideration when choosing your medical marijuana doctor is the type of consultation you want done; due to the fact that there are variations in the types that you can avail. Are you looking for an ongoing doctor to treat you on to study just how effective the marijuana is for your medical condition? Or are you simply looking to take the shortest route to a medical marijuana card?   To be eligible for a medical marijuana card, you need to;
  1. Be determined by a physician that is certified to suffer from a condition that qualifies you for a card for medical marijuana, which include the following:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Insomnia
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Hypertension
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Seizures
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Tourette’s Syndrome
  • ALS (Lou Gehrig’s)
  • Epilepsy
  • Tourette’s
  • And a lot more. Call us: (800) 250-6737.
  Additionally, according to the Senate Bill 8A of 2016, “diagnosed, debilitating conditions of like, kind, or class,” e.g. anxiety and depression, are conditions that enable a person to be qualified for a Florida medical marijuana card. Also included are terminal illnesses – diagnosed by a physician other than the medical marijuana doctor who is examining the patient for eligibility- and chronic pain which is pain from a medical condition that remains persistent long after the course of said medical condition. You can find the comprehensive list of all diseases that qualify under Senate Bill 8A on our homepage.
  1. Be a temporary, seasonal*, or permanent resident of the state of Florida
To qualify for a card for medical marijuana, you have to provide proof of residence in the state of Florida by providing photo ID and at least one of the documents listed below:
  • State ID or driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Utility bill paid within the past two months
  • Photocopy of house deed or lease agreement
*A seasonal resident, according to Senate Bill 8, is one who takes up residence in the state of Florida for 31 consecutive days at least once each calendar year, maintains a temporary residence in this state, and pays income taxes and is registered to vote in a state other than the state of Florida.   Step 2: What should you bring to your appointment? In addition to the proof-of-residency documents mentioned above, you can bring along your medical records to facilitate the qualification process for a card for medical marijuana, however you are not necessarily required to do so. However, it will do you well to expect the requirements to vary from each individual medical marijuana doctor to the other and it is common for clinics to each have their own set of requirements to be fulfilled.   Step 3: Registering for a medical marijuana card Once deemed eligible for a card by a doctor that is certified for medical marijuana, you have to apply for a Florida registry identification card through the Florida medical marijuana program. At this stage, you will also be required to fill out a detailed consent form, where you will have to undertake that you acknowledge the complexities of cannabis use; such as that fact that marijuana is still considered a Federal governments ‘controlled substance’, that it has the potential to be addictive, that it is very likely to affect coordination and motor skills, it can lead to side effects such as psychotic signs or depression, and can even sometimes lead to cancer if smoked, and so on.   What is the cost of obtaining a medical marijuana card? A typical medical marijuana exam runs from somewhere between $200 and $300. However, this is an expense which is not likely to be covered by your insurance provider. The cost will also vary according to the kind of consultation you are signing up for. Think back to step 1 of this process: are you seeking a medical marijuana doctor to treat you on an ongoing basis or are you only looking for a one-time initial exam to determine eligibility? The payment for the registration process itself costs around $75.   How long will it take for you to get your medical marijuana card? Usually, it can take anywhere from 10 days to 2-3 weeks for your application to be reviewed and processed by the state of Florida. When your application has been approved, you will receive an email from the state, upon which you will be allowed to purchase medical marijuana in Florida! You do not even have to wait for the physical card to arrive in your mail which can sometimes take another 2-3 months. Just print out the email or download it on your phone, then take the email along with your photo ID to any treatment center for medical marijuana that is state-licensed and their staff will be able to look up your active listing in the state’s database. You will be able to purchase the dispensary’s products without the need for a physical marijuana ID card.   Step 4: Purchasing medical marijuana Medical marijuana doctors and clinics are not allowed to dispense cannabis products. To purchase any medical marijuana products, you can visit any treatment center for medical marijuana that is state-licensed after receiving the approval of your listing from the state of Florida. The list of centers that are licensed for medical marijuana can be found on the state site.   How much do medical marijuana products cost? There is no one right answer to this query. The actual products that you purchase at a dispensary can cost you different amounts based on the type of product you are purchasing, the amount in which you are buying said product, and how often you are purchasing the products. Generally, medical marijuana products start at around $25 and go up from there. On average, patients in Florida spend around $100 to $200 a month. A good way to start off is to start at a lower point to get a feel of what you like and what works for you, and then take it from there if you wish. Warning: Receiving a medical marijuana certification does not give you the permit to grow marijuana. This can only be done by licensed medical marijuana treatment centers. Moreover, you are not allowed to take your prescribed medication out of the state of Florida; if done so, you are liable to face criminal charges for taking your medication over state lines, even if the other state has its own medical or recreational marijuana laws.   Suggestions on usage of medical marijuana All Natural MD and many other Medical marijuana doctors usually advise patients to start low and take it slow. It can be beneficial for you to begin the course of any new medication when you can relax such as the weekend or in the evening, and absolutely avoid consumption during hours of work. if that is something that can be afforded. It is also smart to avoid consumption of your prescribed medication if you are in a setting that requires your complete cognitive function, for example, driving. Moreover, it is important for you to remember that it can often take a while for the products to take full their full effect; getting impatient will only be detrimental for you.   How often do you have to renew your marijuana certification with the doctor? The period of your medical marijuana certification only lasts up to 210 days. Therefore it is important for you to visit your medical marijuana doctor for an in-person consultation every 210 days so that your listing with the state registry remains active.   In addition to this, you will find that your actual medical marijuana card has an expiry period of 1 year. You must apply for renewal of your card 30-60 days prior to the date of expiry, renewals are also available electronically, 45 days before the expiration date of a card. The cost of renewal of your medical marijuana card is the same as the cost of application to register, $75.00.   Medical marijuana doctors point out that it is often the case that registered patients are not given the notification of the expiry of their cards by the state on time, and many a times patients show up at the medical marijuana treatment centers surprised to know that their cards are no longer valid. Therefore, it is in your best interest to keep up to date with the progression of the validity period for your card and schedule regular visits with your medical marijuana doctors to ensure timely renewal of your certification. Get Started On Your Medical Marijuana Today!
July 10, 2020

FAQs About Treating Anxiety with Medical Marijuana

You’ve tried three different medications and at least as many therapists. Meanwhile, you still deal with a nervous stomach, tense shoulders, and worries running non-stop in your mind. While the medications and therapy have helped some, nothing has really made your anxiety better.

So what can you do when nothing else has worked for your anxiety? Medical marijuana could be an option if you feel like you’ve tried everything. More states are making it available, and trained medical professionals can help.

Here’s a review of everything you need to know about using marijuana for anxiety relief. Once you understand what anxiety is and how medical marijuana works you’ll learn more about how to use it correctly. Take a closer look at how medical marijuana could finally help you manage your anxiety symptoms.


What does anxiety look and feel like?

When anxiety hits, it can feel like you’re having a heart attack. Your throat may close up, your heart can race, and you may struggle to think clearly. It can paralyze you in social situations, at your job, and when you’re alone.


These are some of the most common and upsetting symptoms of anxiety:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Quick, shallow breathing
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Sweating
  • Shakiness
  • Fidgeting
  • Unsteadiness
  • Dizziness
  • Uncontrolled worries
  • Feeling fearful and panicked
  • Negative thoughts
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Changed eating patterns
  • Digestive problems, upset stomach

How does medical marijuana help with anxiety?

The endocannabinoid system is a biological system that helps you manage emotions. Its purpose is to help your mind and body stay balanced and feel good. This system communicates with body chemicals called cannabinoids. These chemicals move between receptors in your nervous system throughout your entire body says one brandon marijuana doctors office in Florida.


Cannabinoids look and act much like the plant-based substance cannabis. When your body feels anxious, the endocannabinoid system helps you feel relaxed. That’s why medical marijuana can be so effective with anxiety. When taken correctly, medical marijuana works naturally with your body to calm you down.

What are the best strains of marijuana to use for treating anxiety?

When choosing medical marijuana to treat anxiety, the THC and CBD levels make a big difference. These are the active chemicals in cannabis and will determine the effect you feel. THC is the substance that produces the high feeling, and CBD is what makes you feel mellow. Tip the balance of these two cannabinoids in the wrong direction, and you’ll ramp up your anxiety instead of calming it.


A CBD-dominant strain will melt your anxiety away while keeping your head clear. Strains with a higher THC balance can be energizing, but they could make your anxiety worse. Some people respond well to the psychedelic properties of THC, and the euphoria distracts them from their anxiety. Here’s a quick list of the most popular and overall best marijuana strains for treating anxiety.


Grandaddy Purple

This strain has a higher level of THC, giving it a potent high sensation. If you are ready to soak up a strong sense of euphoria, this strain can be a good choice.


Jack Herer

This is another THC-heavy strain. But the overall blend contains enough soothing cannabinoids to create a relaxing effect in the end. This strain is available through a local bradenton marijuana doctors recommendation.


Durban Poison

This THC-dominant blend is energizing, creating a positive buzz throughout your day.


White Widow

This strain is heavy on the CBD, creating a reliably soft effect. It is well-known throughout the world and is the base of many popular hybrids.


What are the best ways to consume marijuana to treat anxiety?

The several methods of marijuana consumption each have their benefits and unique features. Depending on what you need on a given day, your method of choice may vary.


  • Edible: This is your method if you don’t like inhaling your marijuana. The effects develop much more slowly through edibles.
  • Smoking: This is the classic format for consuming marijuana. You’ll wait mere moments for the effects to kick in.
  • Vaping: Vaping uses ultra-concentrated marijuana mixed with a liquid or oil. This method allows for easy measurement and quickly developing effects.
  • Patches: Patches allow for direct absorption into your system. This makes your treatment quick, discreet, and efficient.

How should you dose marijuana when treating anxiety?

Using marijuana recreationally can be enjoyable. But getting high or using it regularly can sometimes cause unwanted effects. Many people use micro-dosing to zero in on the anti-anxiety properties of marijuana says one sarasota marijuana doctors office. Micro-dosing is a method for using just enough medical marijuana to help your symptoms, but not enough to produce a high. To find the sweet spot, increase or decrease your dose by small amounts. This greater sensitivity will prevent intoxication while still helping your anxiety.


Hope for Relief – Treating Anxiety with Medical Marijuana

If you’ve had no luck with typical anxiety treatments, don’t give up. Medical marijuana may finally give you the anxiety relief you’ve been searching for. Get Started.

July 7, 2020

Medical Marijuana Use for Sleeping Related Conditions


Medical Marijuana — likewise called clinical cannabis — is a term for subsidiaries of the Cannabis sativa plant that are utilized to alleviate chronic symptoms.

Cannabis sativa contains two important components for clinical purposes: THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol).

Clinical cannabis can be administered through different routes, including capsules, lozenges, tinctures, dermal patches, oral or dermal sprays, cannabis edibles, and vaporizing or smoking dried buds. Manufactured cannabinoids are accessible for remedy use in certain nations, for example, dronabinol and nabilone.


Legal concerns:

U.S. government law restricts the utilization of entire plant known as Cannabis sativa or its subsidiaries for any reason. CBD got from the hemp plant (< 0.3% THC) is lawful under government law to consume.

Numerous states permit THC use for clinical purposes. Government law managing pot supplants state laws. Along these lines, individuals may, in any case, be captured and accused of ownership in states where marijuana for clinical use is legitimate.

Florida has embraced medical marijuana under the government Right to Try Act. This law licenses access to investigational medicines, including conceivably marijuana, for individuals with harmful conditions who have depleted endorsed treatment alternatives.


Florida State:

Florida law grants qualified medical marijuana doctors to arrange clinical cannabis or low-THC cannabis for patients determined to have certain conditions. Mayo Clinic grounds in Florida for example do not allow clinical marijuana and do not permit its utilization nearby or in the emergency clinic.


Medical Use of Marijuana for Insomnia

Logical evaluations recommend that somewhere close to 35-half of the grown-up populace experience a sleeping disorder side effects each year, with somewhere close to 10-30% of the populace experiencing a sleeping disorder issue. Among that 10-30%, an expected 40-70% have sleep deprivation issue that is chronic.


What are the symptoms of insomnia?

  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Difficulty staying asleep, with frequent and/or prolonged awakenings at night
  • Waking very early
  • Waking feeling refreshed
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Headache
  • Anxiety or depression


Strains of Marijuana and their effects:

Picking the correct cannabis strain is a significant piece of the treatment procedure. Sativa-prevailing strains will, in general, have an empowering and elevating impact, which is not useful when you need to nod off. Not every person encounters the “upper” feeling, however, it is commonly best to keep away from sativa strains when rest is your objective. Indica-predominant strains are ordinarily the most ideal decision for rewarding a sleeping disorder. Indica strains normally instigate a drowsy inclination that encourages you to float off and stay unconscious.


The cannabinoid called cannabinol (CBN) will, in general, have a quieting impact, so picking a strain high in CBN might be a decent decision. Matured cannabis will, in general, have more significant levels of CBN because another cannabinoid, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), separates into CBN as its ages, settling on it a superior decision for getting great rest.


THC additionally seems, by all accounts, to be powerful in rewarding sleep deprivation. It might assist you with nodding off quicker with less trouble, and it might decrease the occasions you wake up in the center of the night. THC can exacerbate nervousness side effects when utilized in high dosages. On the off chance that you have sleeping disorder originates from uneasiness or you feel tension because of your rest issues, pick a strain that is low in THC.


ingesting cannabis strains with more significant levels of THC ordinarily decreases the measure of REM rest you get. Decreasing REM rest implies diminishing dreams — and for the individuals who experience PTSD, it could mean lessening bad dreams. So, the hypothesis is that if you invest less energy dreaming, you will invest additional time in a “profound rest” state. The profound rest state is believed to be the most helpful, serene piece of the rest cycle. In any case, REM is significant for solid intellectual and resistant working, and pot with higher THC levels could weaken your rest quality whenever taken long haul.


Be that as it may, this is not accurate no matter how you look at it. A few investigations have discovered that rest can be debilitated by ordinary utilization of marijuana. Unmistakably weed changes rest cycles.


Here are the three most basic strains:

Indica: This kind of strain is viewed as calming and unwinding.

Sativa: For the most part, sativa strains cause individuals to feel energized, glad, and invigorated.

Half and halves: A mix of both Indica and sativa, half and halves are mixes that are regularly surrendered over to the producer or dispensary.

You can generally ask individuals at a dispensary to prescribe a strain for you or to enable you to discover what you are searching for.


How to take Marijuana for sleep:

The vast majority ingest pot by smoking it as a joint or with a channel. If you abhor smoking, need to secure your lungs, or aversion weed’s mark smell, have a go at vaping gadgets or THC-rich colors, which are dropped under the tongue. Both are basic strategies for utilizing pot for rest.

At that point comes the subject of how much weed to utilize. It may take some experimentation to get the dose that is directly for you — so do not attempt this during a work week! In the case of smoking or vaping, you will need to begin with only a couple of puffs.

Marijuana can cause a noteworthy improvement in your sleeping disorder; however, it is imperative to completely comprehend expected reactions. The impacts are regularly gentle when contrasted and conventional drugs. When the marijuana exits your body, those symptoms vanish, so they are not enduring. Where can i get medical marijuana in Florida you ask?


Side effects:

Some of the potential effects of using marijuana include:

  • A high feeling often described as euphoria, which is often more prominent in strains that are high in THC
  • Increased hunger
  • Sleepiness, which is the desired effect when you are dealing with insomnia
  • Red eyes
  • Dry mouth
  • Expanded appetite
  • Drowsiness


All Natural MD

Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors

Call Us: 800-250-6737

Fax: (954) 206-2250



All Natural MD is a medical cannabis clinic that conducts patient evaluations in the State of Florida to determine if one qualifies and can benefit from the use of medical cannabis. We have been established since 2016 and have close to 20,000 patients that are doing very well with the use of medical cannabis.